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'I really don't understand why Rachael is so into me...' I thought as I watched the TV.

Currently, she and I were on the couch, watching some stupid show like a normal couple. But there was one slight problem. She was basically on top of me. And not in the fun way. More like the clingy, suffocating way.

I awkwardly slipped my phone out and unlocked it. I had to use one hand cause the other was pinned by Rachael's body. Yay.

Anyway, I typed, "So, can you get off me now and cuddle like a normal person?"


"Uhm, why not? My arm's been asleep for almost a minute and a half." I typed.

Rachael pouted. "Because I like you too much. I just wanna be as close to you as possible."

"Well, I can't feel my fingers so..."

"Fiiiiiineeee..." Rachael said, admitting defeat. Which gave me an opportunity.

"Rachael, why do you like me so much?"

She frozen. I guess she never really thought about it. She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't find the words.

"There is no notable reason, is there?" I asked via phone.

"No, not that, I swear... There's something... uh..."

"Aren't you supposed to be like, a rebel and stuff? One of those people who are all hard and mean on the outside but a really sweet person on the inside?" I continued.

"You mean a tsudere?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"No dude, hehe. I'm just me... and I've got a lot going on right now and you're the only person who helped me out without a second guess..." Rachael said, looking at me with lovey eyes.

"Yeah, but that still doesn't warrant all this attachment and, well, dare I say fake love." I said, starting to get kind of brutally honest.

Rachael looked slightly hurt by that comment. "Yeah... I know..." She said, looking down at her hands.

There was a long pause. I didn't say anything because it seemed like Rachael was thinking about telling me something. So I waited.

Finally, she looked up spoke.

"I... kind of have serious attachment issues. As a kid, I was always... given stuff from my parents, but then they took them away. And no, it's not because I did something bad. I think they did it just to hurt me. Something that no one would see. They once got me a puppy which I really really wanted, just to have me bond with it and then give it away to crush my small heart. To purposefully hurt me. I started seeing a therapist that was a friend of a friend at the time, and he helped me realized how hurtful all that was to my mind and way of thinking. During middle school, when my friends at the time found out about my developing mental... quirk, they all abandoned me and started horrible rumors about me. " Rachael said. 

After another short pause, probably regaining her composure, she continued.

"After years of that, my mind and thinking became warped, according to my psychiatrist. My sense of possession is now so strong and the fear of loosing something I care about is out of this world that I shouldn't even be attached to anything or anyone anymore. But I grew attached to you. I always cast myself out of society, away from other people who I could possibly make friends with, and get attached too, etc. Then, when I needed help from someone the most, You came along and offered me a place to sleep. The second you said yes to my proposal was the minute I became attached to you. I do take medicine to help balance out my brains chemicals and keep me thinking correctly, but it's still very hard. The medicine is the only reason I haven't locked you up and kept you all for myself, so you couldn't leave me and we could be together forever." Rachael finished.

'Honestly, I'm not that creeped out by that.' I thought. 'It just tells me how much of an impact I made on her, not to mention how I helped her.'

"Damn. That must be hard, right?" I asked. Rachael nodded.

"It's hard to keep the impulses down, to prevent myself from just doing insane things to keep my possessions." She said. Even if she was saying this borderline insane stuff, I felt no ill intent or creepy vibes coming from her. All she wanted was for me to never leave her like all of her past possessions and friends. She just is afraid of that feeling so much, and that feeling that holds horrible, horrible memories is loss. The pain of loss.

I sighed, before typing.

"No matter what, Rachael, I won't leave you. If I absolutely have to go somewhere for a long time, I'll take you with me. We can be a family. You and me." I said. Rachael's eyes lit up as she read, each word seemingly tripling her excitement.

'Oh boy, maybe I shouldn't have said that...' I thought. 'She obviously took that the wrong way... she thinks I meant Husband and Wife, huh? Nope, I meant brother and sister...'

"Really?!" Rachael said, an inch from my face.

I nodded, not bothering to crush her excitement, because, honestly, it was cute.

"YAY!!!" She yelled, jumping off the couch and dancing like a maniac around the living room.

'This is going to be a pain, isn't it?' I thought, watching my new ridiculous (step?) sister, who thinks she's my fiance, dance around the living room.


So! The last part of SEASON 1 for Silence is now here! YAY!!!

Huh? Why are you booing? I'm right. It's over. I'm taking a small break to work on the other stories. Check 'em out. I also posted a teaser for a NEW story on my profile! A Destiny story! Since Forsaken came out 5 days ago, figured I should start a story. It starts just after the end of the Forsaken Campaign, so SPOILERS for that story. Other than that, SDP, MERCS, and NOVA are the one stories I'll be working on next. MERCS will end Season 1 after this major arc it's in, and SDP will end it's Season 1 in a short while. Nova, well, I can't really end the Season until I actually go through an actual season from the show, right? Lol.

Anyways, sorry bout the short chapter, kinda wrote a whole lot for the new story, The Fallen Outlaw (fallen being, like, fallen from grace), so look forward to that! If your into Destiny like me. If you haven't played the first game, you're going to have a hard time understanding the references, but I do give a brief summary of Destiny 1 from Vanilla Launch all the way to D1's 4th year, just before D2's launch. <3

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