Oh Look! The School Douche!

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'Holy shit why is this happening to me right now?' I thought as I realized who was laying next to me on the couch. I say next to, but its more like on top of me. I tried not to freak out and maneuver Rachael off of me and get off the couch, but before I could stand up, I slipped off the couch and fell on the floor, hitting my tailbone hard. I suppressed a cry in pain, but the fall woke Rachael up. 

"What time is it?" She asked as she looked at my sitting on the floor. I scrambled around and found my pen and paper and asked her why she was laying with me on the couch.

"Because I got really cold last night."

(Rachael POV)

That's a lie. I really just wanted to be close to Y,N. I don't know why. I just wanted to be near him. Just something told me to.


I shrugged and stood up. Rachael sat up and the blanket fell off her and the couch. That's when I realized she was in her underwear. I felt my face turn bright red and I covered my eyes and averted my gaze from her. 

"What? Never seen a girl in her underwear before?" She asked with a smirk on her face. I peered at her through my fingers and saw she had tattoos on her arms and legs. They were beautiful tattoos and just made her even more attractive. She saw me looking and asked, "Like what you see?" She stood up and did a little bounce. My face turned into a damn tomato when she did that, I swear.  She walked over to me and threw her arms around my neck, pressing up against me.

"Ya know, its ok to indulge every once and a while." She whispered into my ear. She pulled back and looked into my eyes. She started to lean in closer to my face, like SHE WAS GOING TO KISS ME. 'WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!' My mind screamed at me, but I was frozen in place, unable to do anything. She got closer and closer until I could feel her breath on my face. She hesitated for a second, then...


I jumped back in pain and held where she bit me. She started laughing really hard at my facial expression, but I grabbed my pen and paper and quickly wrote down "You're so evil!" and showed it to her.  She laughed even harder,  doubling over after reading that, so I grabbed a pillow and hit her over the head with it. She stood up with a very serious expression, like she was going to kill me, but then the expression broke into laughter again. I silently laughed along with her, still holding onto where she bit me.

After a couple minutes of laughing our asses off, we remembered it was Tuesday. So, we both took showers, got dressed and headed out to school. After a few minutes Rachael spoke up.

"Hey, Y,N? This might be a little much, but can I stay longer?"

I just nodded my head, and after a second of thought, I pulled my phone out and typed in the Notes app, "You can stay as long as you like."

Rachael read it and giggled. "Fell in love with me only after a day of knowing each other?" She asked sarcastically. I just smiled and shook my head at her nonsense. 

"Ya know, you're like the only guy that's ever been nice to me. I usually don't get any attention from dudes. They all probably think I'm a lesbian or something." Rachael said after a few seconds. I gave her a confused.

"The way I dress. Look. Ya know, piercings, tattoos, the whole delinquent look? Guys just seem to always stay away from me. Is it cause I look scary or something?" Rachael asked. She waited for an answer before saying, "Oh, right. Man this is gonna take some getting used too."

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