"Kelly?", Kailey asked as I covered her with her blanket and I hummed in response, signalling her that I was listening, "I like how you've been yourself again since you got together with Vic. That's one of the main reasons why I like him so much. He makes you happy. Those mean boys made you behave mean, too and I didn't like that. You should always be like you're with Vic. I like my brother, not that mean boy."

Hearing that shocked me. I thought I had been behaving normally at home but I apparently thought wrong.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't notice", I gave her a sad smile, "But I promise that I won't act like they want me to ever again. Because they even disrespected me, after I behaved like one of them for so long, and I'm not taking that."

"I never liked those boys", Kailey scrunched her face up.

"I know you didn't", I ruffled her hair and she giggled, "Let me give you some advice. Never change for anyone, whatever they say. Always be yourself and only trust people who like you for who you really are and who make you truly happy, okay? Promise me that you won't let anyone change you."

She nodded and leaned against me, wrapping her arms around me.
"I promise", she whispered.

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you, little one", I smiled.

"Love you more", my sister sounded pretty sleepy, so I pulled away from her so that she could lay back down again.

"Good night, Kailey", I placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Good night, Kelly", she mumbled, closing her eyes.

When I left my sister's room, I was surprised to hear Vic talk to my parents. It was only 7pm and they were already home?
I went downstairs to see them talk in the living room.

"What are you already doing here? Didn't you say you'll come back at eight pm?", I wanted to know.

"The meeting didn't take that long, so we were allowed to leave earlier", dad explained.

"Hey Kells, since your parents are already home, do you want to just go outside for a walk? Because I feel like doing that", Vic asked and I nodded.

"Sure, if my parents allow me to go", I looked at them with a questioning look.

"Of course you can, as long as you're back before ten pm", my mom said.

I reassured them I would be home in time, before leaving with Vic.
We were just walking around hand in hand, talking about random things while we walked to the small playground not far from my house because we wouldn't meet anyone we knew there, for sure.

The playground was deserted since most children were already sleeping at this time. We sat down on the bench on which usually the parents sat, to watch their kids while they were playing.
It was comfortably quiet until two figures approached the playground, talking and laughing loudly.

They stopped when they saw us, one of them coming closer slowly. The closer they came to us, the more features I could make out. They were definitely female, judging by their curves and absolutely not flat chest. She had long red hair and suddenly I recognized her.

"Danielle?", I raised my eyebrow.

"Kellin?", she said.

"Kellin?", the other person, also a girl, asked.

"Katelynne?", I was confused why they would walk around together.

"Katelynne?", Vic spoke up.

"Vic?", Katelynne exclaimed.

"Vic?!", Danielle seemed confused, too.

"What are you doing here together?", the four of us asked simultaneously. We all fell silent for a moment, before bursting out in laughter because this whole scene had been like in some bad movie.

"I thought you broke up?", Danielle said after we stopped laughing.

"We did but now we're back together", I answered, "You were actually right with what you've said about Vic. It wasn't him saying those things." Vic looked at me with his brow furrowed, so I told him what Danielle had said to me about him. He seemed at least as surprised as I had been. After that, Vic and I explained everything to them, also telling them about our "plan" to keep us a secret and they promised not to tell anyone.

"And what are you doing here together?", I wanted to know when we were finished with telling them everything, "I've never thought you'd be friends."

"Well, I told you that I was over Vic", Danielle smirked and my eyebrows shot up.

"Does that mean you two...?", Vic asked.

"Yeah, we coincidentally met at the mall something like two weeks ago and spent some time together from there on and after some time we realized that we both might be bi", Katelynne shrugged.

"That's great", I exclaimed, "I'm so happy for you."

"Who would have thought our exes would become a couple?" Vic grinned.

"We could say the same thing, you know?", Danielle shot back and we laughed again.

"It's a crazy world", I stated and the others nodded.

Babysitting {Kellic} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now