Chapter 2

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I was sitting in a bar not far away from my house with my friends when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and picked up.

"Hey, mom", I greeted her, "Why are you calling?"

"Well, I already told you that your father and I have to attend a meeting in another city and we won't be back until tomorrow noon, right?", she began.

"Yeah, and?", I raised an eyebrow.

"So, I already told you we have hired a babysitter for the two girls, too, right?", my mother explained, "He will be there when you come home and he will stay until we are back home."

"Why? I mean I'll be home in a few hours, why do you need a babysitter then? I mean I can take care of us, too. Why does he have to stay the night?", I wanted to know.

"We love you and trust you, Kellin, but you tend to do stupid things sometimes and that's why we would like to have a person that keeps an eye on you and your sisters. Also we don't know if you can handle a one year old and a six year old all by yourself."

"So you don't trust me with my sisters but you trust a complete stranger who is... how old?", I said sceptically.

"Don't worry, it's not some old creeper", I could almost hear my mom roll her eyes, "He's actually almost eighteen, so only a few months older than you, and in your grade."

In that moment I wanted to yell at her.
"That's even worse, you know?!", I exclaimed. In my head I could already see some nerd or creep from my school sitting in my house the whole night and scrunched up my face.
I groaned and hung up, not wanting to hear anything else about that topic.

"Hey Kells, what's wrong?", Gabe asked me.

"Ugh, my parents think they need a babysitter, from our school, who will stay the whole night because they don't trust me enough", I rolled my eyes.

"Oh that sucks, man", Gabe said.

"However, I have to leave now", I told him.

"Why?", he wanted to know.

"Some creep is probably singing my poor little sisters to sleep right now", I answered, "I can't let that happen."

"Yeah, you're right", Gabe agreed, "See you Monday in school?"

"Sure, see ya", I waved before leaving, ignoring my friends and fake friends who asked me where I was going.

When I got home I was greeted by the sounds of my six year old sister Kailey laughing and talking in her room.
Good, so maybe it wasn't one of the creeps.
I didn't hear anything from my one year old sister Harper, though, what meant that she was asleep already.
Wow, maybe that babysitter wasn't that bad after all.

Suddenly I heard footsteps running towards the corridor where I was still standing, taking off my jacket.

"Yay, you're back, Kelly!", I heard Kailey yelling in joy, making me smile. I really loved my sisters. I even accepted Kailey calling me "Kelly".

"Be quiet, Kailey", I laughed, "Or you're gonna wake up Harper."

"Oh, I'm sorry", she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Is your brother already back?", I heard a strangely familiar, male voice asking. It sounded like a person came towards us.

"Yes, he is", my sister whisper-yelled, "Come here so you can meet him."

The boy was about to enter the room when he froze in the doorway, staring at me.
I almost dropped my jacket when I realized who it was.

"Fuentes?! What in hell's name are you doing in my house?", I asked shocked.

"This is your house?!", he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I live here with my family", I said, regaining my self control, "Didn't you notice that the people who hired you for babysitting had the same last name as me?"

"I sure noticed", he rolled his eyes what made me let out a sigh of annoyance, "But I somehow didn't expect you to have siblings. I always thought you were more of an only child."

"And what makes you think that?", I asked him in a bored tone.

"Hmm I don't know", Vic pretended to think, "Maybe your "spoiled douchebag" behaviour?"

"Oh, and you behave any better?", I really wanted to punch him in that moment so I changed the subject.
Not that I wouldn't dare to punch him but I didn't want Kailey to see that side of me. "So, you're gonna stay the night?"

"I have to but trust me, I don't want this either", Vic answered.

"So you already know each other?", Kailey asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, we do, unfortunately", I whispered the last word more to myself, "I have to call someone. Excuse me." With that I left the corridor and made my way outside into the garden.

There, I pulled out my phone and dialled my mom's number.
She picked up and before she could say anything I began yelling.

"Are you kidding me?! You could have chosen literally everyone to babysit but you choose freaking Victor Fuentes?!", I tried to keep my voice down a bit so that Vic wouldn't hear me.

"Yes, what's wrong with him?", I could hear the confusion in my mother's voice.

"That guy is the biggest idiot alive", I exclaimed.

"But he seemed to be so nice when he called because of the job", my mom said.

"He hates me and I hate him", I told her, "He's like the worst asshole in the whole school."

"Aw, come on I'm not that bad", I heard Vic's voice behind me. I spun around to see him leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, yes you are", I replied. He walked over to me.

"Kellin, don't be rude", I heard my mother say.

"Why don't you just let me prove you wrong?", Vic brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Wow, Fuentes", I looked at him less than impressed, "That's exactly what an asshole would've done."

"Well, I could have called you a pet name and kissed you just to embarrass you, you know?", he smirked.

"Just shut your fucking mouth", I sighed.

"Kellin! Language", my mom scolded me.

"However, Bostwick", Vic rolled his eyes.

"Bye, mom", I said before hanging up, "So Fuentes, why the fuck would you want to prove that you're not an asshole?"

"So I was thinking", he started, "And I came to the conclusion that we have absolutely no reason to hate each other. I mean like literally none. And it sucks to always get detention because we kicked each other's asses again. So I thought that we maybe should like... I don't know... try to get to know each other properly because you really don't know me and I'm sure I actually don't know you at all."

I raised my eyebrows. Was he serious? He sounded like he was completely serious about that. Or did he just want me to open up to him so he could tell his friends and they would have many reasons to make fun of me?
I had to be careful with what I said around him, that was sure.

Babysitting {Kellic} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now