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Erza Pov

We walked through the portal as we were now in front of a big house, that looked like there was enough rooms for all of us. "I arranged for you all to live here. It isn't far from Fairy Tail." Nina told us.

I sighed "We need you to stay here to watch the kids and..." I trailed off "You guys look like how you were eight years ago." I told them as they looked at each other.

They all looked shocked as we were all young were the boys. So this is what Nina meant about how we used to look. "W-why...T^T" Wendy said to herself as she was touching her chest.

We told the boys if they could watch the kids as the boys agreed to watch the kids as we left and walk towards our guild Fairy Tail. It wasn't a long walk probably just like a ten minute walk to the guild.

As we were now in front of the guild we each took deep breaths. "Ready?" I asked them as they nodded. We walked in and all eyes were on us as everyone eyes widen.

We all looked nervous now "Where is your master...?" I asked whoever could answer me as he soon spoke up "I am right here...Erza?!" Master was shocked at seeing us.

Master Pov

I see the girls that we missed all these years I wonder why their here, I thought they wanted to stay at that other world...they could tell what I was thinking.

"Master we came here cause something is going wrong in the world we decided to stay...Nina told us that something is going on here as well." Mira explained to me as I nodded.

I sighed but before I can speak Natsu cuts me off " came back!" Natsu said cheerfully as the girls looked like they had something on their mind.

"Natsu its like what Mira said we came to stop the source of all this then we will be going back. Plus we are married and...have kids..." Lucy whispered the last part.

All of our eyes jumped out of our sockets. I am in tears now, I am so happy for my children they have a family. I wished I could have seen them all in a wedding dress and walked them down the aisle.

"Congratulations my children." I told them and they gave me a smile and thanked me.

No one Pov

Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Jellal, Elfman, Freed, Gray, Romeo and Bickslow eyes widen in pure shock...They were hoping to get another chance with the girls but they missed their chance.

They ruined their chance with the girls a long time ago. They were suddenly brought out of their thoughts by the master voice. "Okay girls we will work together to solve our problems." Master told the girls.

The girls were happy to have help from their family. The girls hugged their father (Master), not just for agreeing to help but because they missed him a lot.

"Thank you master." Wendy thanked him and the rest of the guild. "So girls did your husbands and kids come here with you girls?" Bisca asked them.

The girls looked at each other and smiled. "Yes they insisted they come and plus they were also attack by magic." Cana told them and everyone eyes widen.

"They must be special then?" Kianna asked the girls. "Well...about them..." Evergreen trailed off...

To be continued

While the girls are at Fairy Tail the boys and kids are at their temporary house. Will something happen to the boys and their children?

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