Chapter Twenty Three

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hnnn I got to write a kiss scene ugh

Dendy and KO led Y/n to town, where they found AJ and Tko walking around.

"AJ!" KO called. "You let go of Tko right now before something bad happens!" He weakly threatened. AJ turned to him. She smiled.

"I'm not holding him hostage or anything." She laughed.

"But you tricked him into being with you!" KO said. AJ sighed. She looked past Dendy and KO and saw Y/n.

"Brought the loser to show her that she stands no chance?" AJ said. Y/n stepped forward.

"If you think you'll have Tko forever, then why don't you tell him about what you said to me? Or about when you lied to him?" Y/n said. AJ smirked.

"All right." She turned to Tko. "Yeah, lied to you. I told you that she threatened me when in reality I threatened her twice. But think about how many times she lied to you, and how many times she snapped at you." She said. Tko looked at the ground.

"AJ, you need to stop." Y/n said. "I don't care if you're with him, but just stop the lying. Stop being a jerk."

"Y/n, what are you doing?! You're supposed to get them apart, not make them closer!" KO said. Y/n ignored him.

"My friends told me that I give good advice. Well, since I have such great advice, let me tell you this. You're better than this. Stop being such a jerk like I was. Don't lie or trick him, or anyone. Please don't. You'll make the same mistake I made." Y/n said. AJ looked down at ground and was quiet for a moment. She suddenly started laughing.

"You think I'd ever be like you?" She asked in a quiet voice. She looked up at Y/n. "No one could ever be as crazy and messed up as you."

Y/n's eyes widened in shock. This kid was crazy! She wouldn't even take advice from her. She was already even more messed up than Y/n.

"AJ, just stop it!" KO said.

"You had no right to say that!" Dendy said.

Y/n knew AJ was right. No one could be like her. She was unlike anyone else. She was all alone in this cruel world. No one could experience the pain Y/n felt.

"AJ's right." Y/n said, surprising everyone. "I'm not like anyone else."

"Y/n?" KO frowned. He looked at Dendy, who looked just as worried.

"Nobody can understand the pain I've felt. Nobody will ever understand me. I'll never have anyone." Y/n looked at the ground.

"Finally! It's about time you finally accepted the fact that you are just a weak loser with nobody--" AJ was cut off.

"No!" Tko shouted. "I don't believe you!" He said. He approached Y/n. "I know you're not alone! I know you're connected to someone! You just haven't looked good enough!"

"But Tko--" He cut Y/n off.

"No. You have someone. You just need to look." He said. "And I'm going to help you."

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know what to say. She looked at the ground. "All right. But if you're wrong, don't say I didn't tell you."

She grabbed his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. She closed her eyes, and her hair glowed a bright grey. Y/n and Tko felt the air around them grow icy cold. She opened her eyes. "Here we are."

Tko opened his eyes to find the area they were in was the same, but dark, as if it had turned night. There was snow falling to the ground, but it never built up.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"The soul plane. This is the place I go to so I can see people's soulmates." Y/n said. "Don't let go of me or else you go back to the normal plane."

Tko looked around. He saw everyone standing in their places, looking at the spots he and Y/n were once standing in. They couldn't see them right now. He saw that everyone had a soul standing next to them. AJ had a soul version of Tko standing next to her. Tko had a soul version of AJ and Y/n standing with him. But Y/n had nobody.

"Where would we even go to find a soul?" Y/n muttered, thinking aloud.

"Maybe you have to make one." Tko suggested. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"And how would we do that?" Y/n asked. Tko looked down.

"Maybe you have to do something that would bring two people close." He said. Y/n was lost.

"Like what?" She asked. Tko rubbed his arm nervously.

"I dunno. Something like a... Kiss, I guess?" He said. Y/n's eyes widened.

"But haven't we kissed before?  Why didn't that give me a soul mate?" She asked.

"Because that was just coming from me. It would have to come from both of us. We would both have to mean it." He said.

"No. No. That wouldn't work. We're not doing it." Y/n said. She felt Tko grab her shoulders and pull her closer.

"We have to try! What if it does work?" He asked.

"But it won't! Tko, it's not going to work!" She said. She felt Tko pull her closer.

"We have to try..." He said. Y/n sighed. She grabbed him and pulled his face closer, pressing her lips against his.

She suddenly felt a warmth wrap around her. Tko pressed himself against her, having high hopes this would work.

They pulled apart. They turned and what they saw had both of them shocked. Right there in front of them stood a soul. It was Tko's.

This was Y/n's soul mate.

Tko gasped and hugged Y/n. He swung her around. "We did it! I knew it! I knew you had one!" He laughed. Y/n squeezed him back.

"We had better get back to reality." She said. Tko nodded. They closed their eyes and felt themselves become warmer again, being transported back home.

Y/n opened her eyes to find AJ standing impatiently in front of them.

"So? You didn't have one? I knew it. You'll never fall in love. C'mon, Tko." She said.

"Actually, I do." Y/n said, shocking everyone. "It's Tko." She smirked at AJ.

AJ growled at Y/n, her eyes suddenly turning white.

"I told you to back off or else. Now I'm gonna beat you!" She said as she raised her glowing white fist. Just as she about to punch Y/n, there was a burst of white light.

Augh cliffhanger. But don't worry, I'll most likely update again today.

Also that kiss scene was so hard for me to write because I'm not good at that stuff ugh

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