Chapter Sixteen

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"Y/n, you okay?" Tko asked, concerned for her. She did just die and come back to life in the most emotional way he could think of.

"Yeah, I'm great now." She smiled up at him. He returned the smile.

For Dendy and KO, this was abnormal. Good abnormal, though. Usually, Tko was cold and heartless and didn't really care about the well beings of people besides KO, Dendy and the rest of his friends and family. He would even beat up a kid to the point of hospitalization without hesitation.

But he was different around Y/n. He was much nicer, nicer than anyone had ever seen from him. He genuinely cared for her unlike anybody else. She meant the most to him.

And Y/n obviously felt the same way towards him. She did reveal that she loved him in her last breathing moments.

They were definitely going to grow from here, and they were definitely a couple. But there was one problem.

Y/n didn't have a soul mate. And Tko had two. And he was connected to one of them-- AJ. She was a big problem, and would have a huge impact on their relationship. Even possibly breaking them up.

She would undoubtedly try to come between them, and Dendy and KO weren't sure if they would be able to stop AJ from completely ruining their relationship.

There was also the problem of Y/n's emotions. They don't know if she will be on the verge of death again, but just like anyone else, she can become sad again. Just not to the point of dying or becoming emotionally unstable again.

And what had been said between AJ and Y/n had not been revealed yet. There was still that that needed to be talked about.

"Y/n, before we do anything else, we need to talk." Tko said as he sat on the couch. Dendy and KO joined him. Y/n nodded and sat on the coffee table in front of them.

"Right. We should probably do that." She said.

"Let's start off with the past. Start from the very beginning, when you lost your parents." Tko said.

"The past?" Y/n asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do you not want to talk about it? Because we don't have to--" Tko was cut off.

"No, it's fine. Okay, from the very beginning." She said, thinking back to when Lana was still alive.

Lana was picking laundry up from the floor, trying to clean the house. Four year old Y/n was playing on the floor with her toys, she was happy at the moment.

The phone suddenly rang. Lana set the dirty clothes down in a pile and answered the wall phone.

"Yes?" She said as she twirled the curly wire. A voice began talking on the other end. Y/n just assumed it was her father. "H-He what...?" Lana asked, eyes wide.

She suddenly dropped the phone in shock. She grabbed her head in pain as her hair turned a dark grey. She suddenly collapsed to the floor. Y/n gasped and got up, walking over to Lana.

"Mommy? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Y/n asked. She heard a voice crackling through the phone. She picked it up. "Hello? Daddy?"

"Who is this?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"I'm Y/n. Who are you?" Y/n asked.

"I'm police chief Jim Hopper. Can you tell me where your mother went?" He asked. Y/n looked down at Lana.

"She's on the floor asleep. Can you come see what's wrong with her?" Y/n asked.

"She's sleeping on the floor?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, she fell down and now she's asleep." Y/n said.

"Okay, Y/n, I need you to stay right there. Don't move. We're on our way." Jim said.

"Okay." Y/n said.

Ten minutes later, police cars and an ambulance arrived. They pulled up in the grassy yard.

The docters came and took Lana away in their vehicle.

People, neighbours from other towns and friends all surrounded the scene, watching. Poor, innocent Y/n didn't understand what had happened to her mother.

"Y/n?" A man approached her. "I'm Jim, from on the phone." He said as bent down to her size.

"Can you tell me what happened to Mommy and Daddy?" Y/n asked. Jim looked down.

"Do you know what death means?" He asked. Y/n nodded, still confused. "I'm sorry, but, they're dead."

Even though she knew what death was, she didn't understand. Would they ever come back? Are they in pain? Where are they?

"Y/n, so you have a guardian that can claim over you and take care of you?" Jim asked. Y/n was about to answer when someone said,

"Yes, that's me." He approached the two. Y/n looked up to see a tall man with light purple skin and black hair. She knew him. He had talked with his parents before. She had nicknamed him P.V, short for Professor Venomous.

"You're her guardian?" Jim asked standing up straight.

"I am. I'll take care of her from now on." Professor Venomous said as looked down at Y/n. He patted her head.

"Okay. You'll have to break the bad news to her about her dad, 'k?" Jim said. Professor Venomous nodded. Jim looked down at Y/n. "See you later, kid." He said as he walked away.

"And that's how your mom died?" KO asked. "She was so shocked and dad about something that she died?"

"Yeah. Unlike me, she didn't have her emotion powers her entire life, so she didn't handle things like that too well." Y/n said.

"Wait, what was she so shocked about?" Tko asked.

"The police had called to tell my mom that my dad had died in a car crash." Y/n said. Tko nodded.

"So you lost both your parents in one day?" He asked. Y/n nodded.

"That's terrible!" KO said.

"Quite." Dendy added.

"Yeah, it sucks. But I'm okay now." Y/n said.

"Good. We wouldn't you to be upset, now would we?" Tko asked as he smiled at Y/n. She returned it.

"No, we wouldn't." She said.

Ahhhhhh I had a stranger things reference in here anyone catch it?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Bye.

Not Like She Seems (Tko X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora