Chapter Twenty Two

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"Where's Y/n?" Dendy asked. Tko shrugged.

"Probably stayed home today." He mumbled.

"What?! But I wanted to go into town with her today!" KO pouted.

"Why did she stay home?" Dendy asked. Tko sighed.

"Probably because she doesn't feel good or something." He said, not looking at them.

"Did something happen between you and Y/n yesterday? Did you apologize to her?" Dendy asked. Tko shrugged again.

"I tried to talk to her but... She said she can't be with me anymore..." He muttered. KO gasped.

"You mean she broke up with you?!" He screeched, catching the attention of anyone around them. Tko covered his mouth.

"Yes! But I'd rather everyone not find out through your loud mouth!" Tko hissed.

"I think someone already did." Dendy said. Tko looked at who she was talking about.

"Tko!" AJ waved, smiling as she ran up. "Hi, Tko."

"What is it, AJ?" Tko asked, clearly not happy with her. She noticed his tone.

"What's wrong, Tko?" AJ asked.

"What's wrong is that you lied to me! You told me that Y/n threatened you when she didn't!" Tko raised his voice.

"And how do you know that? Did Y/n tell you?" AJ asked.

"Yeah!" Tko said, not really catching onto what she was getting at.

"Then she would have no problem with lying again to you, and just say that She didn't do it. And I guess since she was tired of getting in the way of true love, she just broke up with you." AJ said. Tko's eyes widened. That did make sense. "Just face it Tko. Y/n has no soul mate, so you can't be with her. You and I are connected, so you may as well just get with me."

"Uh..." Tko didn't know what to say.

"Don't do it, Tko. You should be with Y/n." KO whispered to him.

"KO's right. Don't do it." Dendy said.

"C'mon, Tko. You don't know what destiny will do if you don't." AJ said as she offered Tko her hand. Tko looked at it and sighed.

"She's right..." Tko said as he took it. "In so gonna regret this." He mumbled. AJ smiled at him.

"I guess we're finally a couple, no Y/n getting in the way of true love, huh?" She asked. Tko looked at the ground.

"Yeah..." He said. AJ smiled and walked away, taking Tko with him. The two left Dendy and KO.

"This is bad. We've got to get Y/n." KO said.


The two walked into Y/n's house. It was quiet, and suspiciously very clean. The living room was empty and dark. Her bedroom was empty as well. They walked out onto the back deck and saw Y/n sitting on the swings on the ground.

They walked down the steps and approached her. She just sat there.

"Y/n?" KO called. She turned to him. They noticed her form had changed. Her strip of hair has gone back to it's original grey form, and her eyes had an empty feeling to them. She had truly gone back to her old self. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Y/n smiled weakly. "What is it?"

"We came to get you. Tko's made a big mistake." KO said. Y/n's smile disappeared.

"He doesn't need me. I'm just a useless, sad lonely girl... I can't help with whatever it is you need." Y/n looked at the ground.

"Y/n, you're not useless. You can help us." KO smiled and approached her. "You may not be strong in strengths, but you're strong in so many other ways."

"Like what? I can't do anything." Y/n said.

"You survived through all kinds of loss, and even came back to life with just emotions!" KO said.

"And you're very helpful when any of us feel down. You make us feel better about ourselves, but you never take your own advice." Dendy smiled at her.

"And you're strong when it comes to emotions! You care so much for all of us, and would do anything for us! If you really do care for all of us, including Tko, then you would be willing to help us! C'mon, Y/n, you've gotta help us!" KO said. Y/n sighed.

"What did Tko do?" She asked.

"AJ tricked him into dating her! Now they're together, and we need your help to separate them." KO said. Y/n smiled at him.

"KO, I'm not gonna try and separate two people who were made for each other." She said. KO frowned.

"But you were made for him! You're perfect for each other! You have to help!" He begged. Y/n shook her head.

"I wasn't made for him. I don't have a soul mate. You can't change my mind." Y/n said.

"Y/n, do you love him?" Dendy asked. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but--"

"Then you would be willing to fight for him, no matter what. If you truly love him, then help us." Dendy said. Y/n stood up. She looked at the two.

"All right. I'll help. Let's do this." She smiled.

Not Like She Seems (Tko X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora