New girl in GGO

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A/N:Ello everyone! So yes I finally posted my recent chapter which I thought came out good. Soo as I've said in the past a while back, I wanted to add some stuff from the game hopefully you all have heard about, sword art online fatal bullet and also the side series, sword art online alternative:gun gale online. So I shall be doing so, but to my terms and how I want my story to progress😁 thank you all again for sticking with this story! Now, link start!!



Having Kazuto with me last night really did wonders. I didn't feel afraid anymore like I used to. Having someone who loves me for me regardless of my past has really changed me along with having friends who really care genuinely.

Kazuto was out with Sugu for the day and I didnt have much to do, so I decided I would spend today in GGO leveling up for the fun of it and enter the new tournament that was happening in ggo. Besides..I really missed shooting off with my hecate II.

I finished my breakfast and cold coffee for the morning, then headed over to my bed and laid myself down while putting on my AmuSphere. I closed my eyes and breathed evenly.

"Link start!" I yelled. A flash of colors raced past me and suddenly I spawned in the big city I've grown to love. SBC Glocken.

Felt good to be back in GGO again. Everything looked about the same. Some groups walking around, some others also wandering around, NPC's selling their stuff, etc.

I decided to check what was new in stock for ammo and new guns. I headed into the shop Kazuto and I once checked out when I first met him, but a sudden slight tug on my sleeve stopped me in my tracks.

I turned to see a girl shorter than me with short dark brown hair in a green cami outfit. "Uhm..Hello..I need some help.." she murmured, looking nervous.

She better not be another guy...

"What do you need help with?" I ask, politely.

Well, guy or girl, I should least be nice, but I wont let myself be taken advatange of again...that sure brought back alot of memories when I met Kirito.

"Well, just shopping..mostly. Can you show me arround?" she asked nicely. I nodded.

The girl's eyes lit up and she formed a smile on her lips. "Thank you, so much! Ah..what should I call you?"

I chuckled. "Call me Sinon..I take it you're Llen?"

"How did you know?...oh right..You can see usernames." Llen said, smacking her head lightly.

I spent most of the time with Llen showing her around and explaining to her about what guns to use.

We continued walking, but Llen stopped when she accidentally ran into a taller looking woman with a dark haired ponytail. "Ah..sorry, miss." Llen tried to apologize, but the tall girl shook her head. "Nah. It's my bad. " She looked at both me and Llen and had a small smirk play across her lips.

Something about this girl didn't feel quite right..but it couldn't be anything serious. I looked at her username. Pitohui. Huh...oh wait....this girl tried buying my Hecate II off of me...

I scoffed and crossed my arms. Llen gave me a quesioning look when Pitohui just laughed.

"Sinon, the famous sniper in all of GGO. Sorry about trying to buy off your rifle. Just thought it was super cool." Pitohui tried to explain. I just shook my head. "No worries." I say, shrugging a little.

"Alright, then. mind if I stick with you two for now?"

I didn't like the idea, but Llen insisted.

The three of us shopped around a little longer, then headed into a rustic looking cafe. A lot better than the bar/cafe where it was always crowded. Pito paid for our drinks and I sipped a virtual small pumpkin iced coffee that reminded me so much of the one IRL when it came out seasonal.

Pito talked a lot about the new BoB tournament coming up and Llen listened intently, while I stirred my coffee and just listened. Pito looked at me curiously.

"Are you gonna join, Sinon? It's a group BoB tournament-" I held up a hand for her to stop talking and nodded.

"Yes I'll join. But it'll be with my boyfriend and some of my friends, if they're up for it." I say, taking a sip of my iced coffee.

"Oooh boyfriend, huh? Whose the lucky guy to be dating the famous sniper?" Pito winked, then a smirk formed on her lips. Llen just watched the two of us curiously.

"His name is Kirito on here."

"Ooh!! The famous swordsman that fights with the photon sword! I heard about him and how you two won the last BoB tournament." Pito looked astonished. Something behind her looks however made me question her motives.

"You guys gotta join the squad jam!" Llen insisted. Pito nodded in agreement. "I'll see what I can do to talk to Kirito and my friends." I sighed.

"Alright, then its settled. We will go against each other in the tournament and see who wins." Pito said, still smirking. A small smirk formed on my lips.

"Deal." I agreed. Llen, Pito and I shaked, then clanged our guns together making it official. Pito got up from her seat and looked at us.

"I gotta get heading for now, but we will meet up soon. I'm looking forward to this match." Pito said, then she swiped her menu and signed out. Which left Llen and I alone.

"Ya know, Pito kind of gives me the creeps." I admitted. Llen chuckled nervously, but nodded. "She kind of does, but she seems interesting. Well, thank you so much, Sinon! For today and showing me around." She thanked me.

I shook my head. "No prob. Well, I better get going myself. My boyfriend is probably wondering why I'm not answering his text messages." I say, rubbing the back of my head. Llen giggled and nodded again. "Can we meet up again, soon? Before the tournament?" She asked. I nodded.

"Sure. How about tomorrow?" I suggested, and she agreed. I swiped my menu and logged out. I awoke in my room and sat up on my bed.

Boy oh boy. I have so much to tell Kazuto.

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