Entry 16 - Making Plans and Eaves Dropping

Start from the beginning

"That must have been incredibly traumatizing." He patted my knee in mock sympathy.

"I've never been the same since." I heaved a massive sigh, and stood up.

"Well, I'm going to talk to Thomas, but plan on me going with you. When are you leaving, by the way?"

"Tomorrow at 10."

"Alright, I'll be back soon." I had just closed the door behind me when I realized that I had no idea where I was going. He could be anywhere. I'm not really sure what he does all day, but it sounds like princely stuff.

I wandered around for a while, becoming hopelessly lost. I was walking down a corridor that I kind of think I wasn't supposed to be down, when I heard his voice. It came from the room right next to me, the door had been left ajar for some reason, and I couldn't help but hear what was going on.

"—peace this shaky that we would send our brother to be married to that man? It's disgusting to think of him being married to a man more than twice his age. And we already know that their were rumors about him mistreating his late wife. This seems like madness to me, father."

"Thomas, all of the points you are making have already gone through my mind on numerous occasions. Don't you think your mother and I find this disturbing as well? But be assured of this, if Elliot doesn't not marry King Jasper, we will have a war on our hands."

"This is ridiculous!" I recognized the voice as Raymond's, and stepped closer to hear more. I had never heard Thomas defend Elliot like this, and I wanted to know what came of this conversation.

"Are we really that weak of a country that we must tolerate these threats from a odious King that we all despise?"

"In question of power, I believe our countries are equal to each other. But this is no idle threat. I believe with all of my heart that if he is not given my son as a husband, he will declare war. And so, to prevent the bloodshed of thousands of innocent people, Elliot must make this sacrifice."

"And there is no other option? No other way out of this?" Thomas' voice sounded tired. "You know as well as I do that he only wants to marry Elliot for his own personal gain. Can't we avoid this in some way?"

"I see no way around it, my son. He has set his eyes on Elliot, and he has determined to have him. Though I believe that part of the reason is to get revenge on me. Too long have we been enemies." The bitterness and regret were audible in the voice of the king.

"To hell with this then!" Raymond's voice was much louder than before, and I could just make out his figure, standing next to the chair in which his father was seated.

"If this is for spite, or only to hold something over you, then why must it be Elliot? I'll marry the fucking creep!

At least I'm more than half his age, and I could give back as good as I got! Elliot is in love with Alan, and you know that, dad. I have no one, and no reason to not take his place. Elliot is much to kind and innocent to have to do this. Send me in his place, father."

The room was dead silent. I could barely see what was happening, but it looked as if Raymond had fallen on his knees in front of his father. Finally, the king spoke.

"Raymond." His voice was gentle and caring. I'd never heard it sound like that before. "What you are proposing is noble indeed, but I'm afraid it's too late. Too much is already in motion."

"Please, just try. Talk to the King. Do whatever it takes, but at least try. I can't let this happen without knowing that I did whatever I could to try and change it."

"I will do what I can, son. Now I must go, but I will tell you if there is any chance as soon as I know." He stood up, and I scurried away from the door, expecting to see him walk out any second. When he didn't, I walked hesitantly back.

When I looked in, he was gone. There must have been another door in one of the other walls.

"Did you really mean that?"

"Why would I lie? Of course! I would do anything to protect Elliot."

"But marry that man?"

"No worse than what is expected of Elliot. Listen, I know the rumors about his late wife. I think their must be some truth in them. If that man is going to try to hit or use anyone, I'd rather it was me than Elliot. I could whip his ass the moment he tried anything, but Elliot..."

"He's too young, and much to innocent. He wouldn't stand a chance."

"Exactly, Thomas! Now do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do. We have to do whatever we can to not let Elliot marry him."

"I think that's the first thing you've ever said that I agree with one hundred percent. It's gonna be weird being a team on something."

"Yes, but long overdue. I think we could make a great team."

"Any team that I am on, will be great no matter what. If you keep becoming more decent like you have been lately, this team might stand a chance."

It wasn't until too late that I realized hey were walking towards the door. I scrambled back, but not in time. The door swung open, and I was met by Thomas' surprised face.

"Alex, what are you doing here?"

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