Asking the Chief's Son

Start from the beginning

He wrapped his arms around Stiles' body and lets him sob.

"I... I was so scared... I thought he was never going away." Stiles mumbles from Derek's neck.

"I'm here now. I'll protect you, okay?" Derek said, his hand drawing circles on Stiles' back.


Of course, the stalker incident got to his dad and the Chief was thankful to Derek.

Then it took about two months of countless flirting, numerous calls and texts, and an enormous amount of pining for them to actually get their shit together.

It was Derek who gave in first. Well, Stiles was really the first one but he was wasted, so that doesn't really count.

It was his best friend's party, Scott McCall, whose father is Special Agent Rafael McCall from the FBI.

Stiles calls him and he was so sure that the teen just butt-dialed him but no, it was all him and his ability to get himself get drunk so easily.

Derek? You there? Stiles slurs on his words.

"Are you drunk?", was the first thing Derek says when he hears the teen's voice.

I may or may not stole a bottle of Jack from Scott's dad's liquor cabinet... Hmm, I'm so drunk... I wanna go home.

"I'll pick you up."

About 15 minutes later, he finds the teen sitting on a bench in front of the McCall residence and music was still blaring from the house.

"Der-Bear!" Stiles greets him, a lazy grin on his face as he tries to stand up but fails and falls on his ass.

Derek growls as he picks him up and carries him bridal-style into his car.

When they got to Stiles' apartment, he immediately wishes that he wasn't too emotionally-invested on this teenager.

But, he was. He was in to deep already.

"Hmm... I love you... I am so in-love with you, Derek Hale!" Stiles suddenly blurts out and Derek sputters a laugh.

He shakes his head and just lets him be.

Yep, too emotionally-invested.

The next morning, Stiles finds himself stripped of his clothes and only in his Iron Man boxers.

He rouses at the scent of coffee and bacon from the kitchen. He finds Derek in his black wifebeater and jeans without any shoes.

"Good morning..." Stiles greets him sheepishly, but he was still in his boxers and he wasn't ashamed of it, at all!

Derek turns and almost chokes in his own spit because Stiles. Boxers. Moles. Skin. Yep, his brain finally broke. He didn't speak though.

The man just turned off the stove, walked towards Stiles and grabs him by his thighs, lifting him so that the teen's legs were wrapped around his waist. A huge grin was on his face when Stiles yelps in surprise.

"You're in-love with me. I'm in-love with you." Derek manages to say before moving to the bedroom.

Stiles looks down on him and kisses him fiercely.

Of course, they had to tell the Chief that they were officially dating.

As a father, John was very happy for Stiles to have found someone who actually makes him happy. But as the Chief, oh boy, Derek got two weeks of no-sleep, no-sex, and no-Stiles.



It was the Stilinski weekly family dinners with Derek's sisters, Laura and Cora, and his Uncle Peter, and the McCalls, Melissa and Scott, with his boyfriend, Isaac.

It was always lively when they did dinner together. Laura, being a lawyer, shares her most outrageous cases. Cora, being a college student, talks about her classes and professors. Peter loves sharing about his adventures every week whenever he goes out of the country.

Melissa, used to be a nurse but now deals with children as a doctor, loves gushing about her patients.

Of course, Scott and Isaac share their experiences at the animal clinic they have together.

Stiles just shares his day to day life as an art teacher to high school students.

After they ate, the others retired to the living room. Melissa and Stiles washed the dishes.

Now, Derek is kinda nervous. He hasn't done this thing before, - this thing meaning, 'asking the Chief of Department for his son's hand in marriage' thing' - and it's nerve-wracking.

They were in the library, away from everyone's bias thoughts and concerns.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Derek?" John asks, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

He offers some to Derek but the young man quietly refused.

"Sir, I know that for the past few years that you've known me, you've treated me like your own son." Derek said, "I'm in-love with Stiles."

John smirks into his drink and says, "I've known that since you told him about your family, son. Why are you telling me this? And what's with the sir?"

Here goes nothing!

"Sir, Stiles is the most outrageous, funny, lovable, person I've ever met, loyal and pretty persuasive even. He's amazing and I can't even imagine tomorrow without him there. I want to wake up and see those beautiful brown eyes staring back at me and I want him to be the person I fall asleep with every night. I want to see him at his worst and at his best. I want to spend my life with him." Derek sighs, a smile curling up on his lips.

John sits straight and eyes Derek.

"I would love to spend forever with Stiles. So, here I am asking for your son's hand in marriage, sir." He continues.

After a long pregnant pause, John clears his throat before taking a sip of his drink.

He stands up, walking towards Derek, who was standing straight in front of him and says, "Marriage is a big responsibility. It requires your undivided attention. You will give up a few things. You'll have to work hard to keep each other happy. A lot of sacrifices are needed, are you sure you're ready for that?"

Derek nods in return, "I am. I've been wanting to ask you since last year but it never actually came up. Then I asked Stiles last month and he said 'yes'. I know that I'm kind of rushing things but I love Stiles, everything about him actually. So, whatever your decision is, Sir, I will accept it."

John chuckles at Derek's words, shaking his head as he pats the young man's shoulders and said, "I thought you'd never ask."


One Year Later

Derek wakes up to his alarm clock buzzing on his bedside table and he angrily slams on the snooze button.

He squeezes his eyes shut once more before soft touches rouses him from his slumber. The hand slowly travels from hair to his stubbled face then to his neck, "Derek, wake up."

He opens his eyes and sees the familiar beautiful brown eyes that he never gets tired of seeing every waking hour.

The sun was shining through the window, outlining the curves of his husband's body which was only covered with a blanket.

His pale mole-dotted skin was full of bites and marks that Derek loves seeing on his husband's body.

"You look beautiful." He mumbles as he scoots closer to Stiles and presses a soft kiss on his lips.

"I never get tired of hearing you say that." Stiles smiles at him, pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you, Stiles Stilinski-Hale. Always."

"I love you, Derek James Hale. Always."


The Chief's Son (Sterek, BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now