Moving In - Part 1

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A/N: Yep, they are moving in together and it's going to be fluffy, chaotic, then fluffy again and just... *sigh*. Anyway, you'll enjoy it! I'm sure of it :D

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot :)


Moving in was a hard process. You have to consider a lot of things; the pros and cons of it all.

"Stiles, we all know that you don't have cons when it comes to moving in with me." Derek said as he lifted the last box from the back of his Toyota. Contrary to popular belief, Stiles' things were quite easy to pack up and move to his place. From comic books to Shakespeare, all of Stiles' reading materials could easily be put in boxes. He also sold his gaming consoles because Derek already has those, so he just needed his games. His clothes were rolled neatly in his suitcase.

"Derek, I need a space for my art!" Stiles whined at the sight of Derek's loft.

Derek, on the other hand, just smiled at him and said, "I have a gym upstairs and half of the room doesn't really used much, Stiles."

Suddenly, Stiles' eyes lit up and the moment Derek placed the box on the floor of his---their loft, the young man grabbed his hand and dragged him up the building.

The space above their loft had the same size and what Derek said was true, his gym equipment was occupying half of the room while the other half was almost empty except for the tall cabinets pressed against the walls.

"Derek, it's perfect! Thank you!" Stiles said teary-eyed as he jumped on Derek and wrapped his legs around the man's waist, then showered his face with kisses.

Derek squeezed Stiles' thighs as their lips met, when they parted, he said, "We should get your things in here then..."


Their first day together was like their usual mornings whenever Stiles stayed over the night before. Only now, Stiles didn't have to run around like headless chicken whenever he wakes up late and has to get to school on time.

Stiles woke up with Derek's arms wrapped around his waist and the man's naked chest pressed warmly against his back.

He smiled to himself as he tried to extract himself from Derek's arms... take note, he tried.

He groaned quietly and whispered, "Der... I have to get breakfast going..."

And that did it, the next thing he knew was Derek's arms loosened and that the man was grumbling into his pillow incoherently.


"So, how's your first day together?" Erica asked the moment she arrived in the bullpen.

Boyd grinned at his girlfriend and said, "Babe, let the man work in peace."

"Urgh... but V, I need to know about these things! It's Derek's first relationship in what? Four years? C'mon... spill, Derek!" She whined, batting her long lashes and pouting her red lips.

Derek rolled his eyes fondly and said, "Well, unlike you guys, having Stiles move in with me is the greatest thing in my life."

"Blergh... I need some juicy stuff, Hale! Did you guys do it in the kitchen? Shower? Living room?" She pressed on and Derek groaned in to the palm of his hands and shook his head.

"I am not going to divulge my sex life with you, woman!"


"So, how's living together with Derek feel?" Scott asked as he sat beside Stiles on the bench.

Stiles dropped his pencil and turned his attention towards his best friend, "Living with Derek is great, why do you ask?" he said happily and then raised a brow at Scott.

"Well, you're 19 years old and you guys just started dating like what? Two, three months ago? Why are you moving so fast?" Scott suddenly blurted out.

Stiles blinked at him like he just grew a second head or something, "I--- wait, what? I thought you were okay with this, Scott? Derek and I know the consequences of moving in together, dude. I think that's enough reason."

"Dude, I just think that... y'know, I think you're moving too fast with Derek. I mean, I've known the guy since he started working for your Dad but... I worry about you, man." Scott reasoned as he dropped his head in submission.

It caused Stiles to breathe in deep and sigh dramatically, "Scott, I love Derek and he loves me... Us living together isn't going to be a problem. He's 'the one' for me and... just, please, Scott, try to understand, okay?"


When Derek came home that night, he found that Stiles wasn't at home and a frown suddenly came down on his face.

It was almost midnight and usually when he came home for the night, he'd find Stiles either snoozing on the couch wearing his too large Henleys or maybe he'd find his boyfriend sketching with the music turned on softly in the background.

He fished out his phone and the only message he has was from Laura telling him that she'd drop by this weekend for brunch with him and Stiles. Other than that, nothing. No calls or anything at all.

Was this one of the cons that other people mention about? Waiting for someone to come home? Stiles always did that.

He knew what he was getting into when he asked Stiles to move in with him.


A/N: Update will be on Thursday or Friday :)

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