"I never said it was."

"Why are you here?"

"I want to talk."

"So you followed me here?" I ask in disbelief.

"It was either that or have you avoid me for God only knows how long."

"Fine. We can talk but first I'm going to eat, and you're going to eat with me since you're here."

"I'm fine. I can just wait until you're done eating."

"Just sit, please."

"Yes, ma'am," he says with an amused grin and sits down on the sand. I reclaim my spot and take out my burrito from the paper bag. I cut it in half with the plastic utensils they gave me and give him half of it. "Can you hold my half too?" I ask him, holding out my half of the burrito to him. He takes it from me, freeing up my hands, so I can pour the chips onto the tray the burrito came in. I also put all the different salsas on the tray so we can take our pick.

"Here's my drink. We can share this." I tell him, placing it between us.

"But there's only one straw."


"I only mentioned it just in case you didn't want to share a straw with me," he says almost defensively and I laugh.

"I don't mind," I assure him but he looks like he doesn't believe me. "I don't," I insist.

"Well if you're okay with it than I am too," he responds with a boyish smile that makes him look rather cute.

"I am. Now give me back my half of the burrito. I am starving," I say with a grin and happily take back my half of the burrito. I pour some salsa on the top portion and take a big bite out of it. I nearly moan the moment it hits my tongue but resist the urge. I don't need Nate giving me weird stares for moaning over my delicious burrito.

"This is really good," Nate comments and I simply nod because my mouth is full.

"It's one of my favorite restaurants," I comment once I finish the bite of food I had in my mouth.

"I can see why," he says and grabs a chip and eats it.

"You should dip it in salsa. It will taste a lot better," I suggest. He grabs a chip and dips it in salsa.

"That's so good," he says with a big smile.

"I know," I respond with a laugh. "Feel free to eat as much salsa as you want. That's what it's here for."

"Don't mind if I do." He takes another chip and dips it in the spicy salsa but I don't say anything. I just stop and stare as he shoves the whole chip in his mouth. He chews on it and I just wait expectantly for it to hit him and when it does, he starts coughing up a storm. I pat his back and hand him my drink. He doesn't think twice to take a big gulp of it.

"You could have warned me, you know?" he says as he wipes the corner of his eye. Awe, poor guy teared up.

"Yeah, I know, but what would be the fun in that?" I say with a grin and he gives me a death glare. "What? You're alive aren't you?"

"Hardly." He takes another gulp from my drink. "I'm keeping this by the way," he says gesturing to my drink. "That's what you get for letting me eat that spicy ass salsa."

"Oh my gosh. You're acting like I poisoned you or something."

"I mean you may as well have. That shit's spicy. What's it made of? Habanero?"

"Probably," I say with a shrug.

"Are you kidding me? You let me eat habanero?"

"Yup. That's what you get for following me here."

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