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Brooke woke up and frowned as she realised that she was in hospital. She remembered the crash that she had been involved in. Brooke winced in pain as she sat up. Tom sat at her bedside and looked to her and smiled "brooke" he said as he grabbed a hold of her hand and looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed "no, I'm in pain" she said as tom looked to her and smiled "well, it's your own fault you shouldn't of got into that car" tom said as she looked to him and frowned "how was I meant to know that it would crash" she spat as she looked to him and sighed "you should of stayed at the wedding" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "I saw you kissing Izzie, you just got married and your kissing another woman, you can't have s go at me over this" she said as tom sighed and looked to her "I know your right and I'm sorry but I'm in love with izzie" "and my mum?" She asked as tom hung his head in shame as Brooke nodded knowing he didn't love Lorna.


Brooke walked into school a few days later. She stood with chlo who had a broken arm and smiled as izzie stood talking with Lorna and tom "you'll soon start noticing soon izzie but I thought that I'd let you know hat I'm pregnant" Lorna said as Brooke looked to them "what?" She asked "Brooke, I'm sorry" Tom said as Brooke rolled her eyes. She was annoyed that they hadn't of told her "oh come on tom, she's a big girl and needs to get over her childish issues" Lorna said as Brooke looked to them both and glared. She was pissed at both of them.

Brooke stood in the yard with chlo and smiled "it's going to be okay" Brooke said as Janeece walked over to them and glared "you two shouldn't be here, your nothing but murdering scum" Janeece said as Brooke looked to her and glared "back off" she said as Janeece looked to her "the only reason your still here is because of your dad, he will do anything to keep you here" Janeece said as Brooke looked to her and glared. She pushed Janeece as she stumbled and fell to the ground. Brooke looked down at her and glared "watch your back" Brooke said before she and chlo walked off into the school.


Later that day, Brooke walked down the hall and frowned as she spotted tom who stood with izzie. She froze where she was standing and looked to them. She watched as tom placed a hand on her arm and smiled to izzie, she felt uneasy as she looked to how close that they both were. She didn't like it, she knew tom had told her he loved izzie but Lorna was her mum, or so Brooke thought.

Brooke later walked down the hall and sighed as she could hear yelling, she knew it was tom and Lorna "how many times Lorna, I don't want that damn baby, I have a child and you gloated over telling her you were pregnant and you didn't even tell her, you told izzie in front of her" "you don't mean that tom, I know you want this baby" Lorna said "no, I don't and you know what I didn't even want to marry you, I didn't it for Brooke" tom said as Brooke stood against the wall, all that she could think over was how her family was slowly falling apart and started to fear it was her fault.

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