Telling Him

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I had spent the remainder  of the day after taking the test, cooking and preparing for when Harry would arrive home. I'd spent 3 hours cooking salmon and roasted vegetables, Harry's favourite meal. Chocolate moose for dessert and of course I had organised the announcement, a little gift bag with a t-shirt that read: 'Congratulations Daddy!' and under that was the positive pregnancy test. I had spent majority of the day cleaning the house and getting it extra organised for Harry. An hour before he was due home I showered and changed into his favourite red dress. Just before Harry would get home I set the table and served the food.

15 minutes later.

"Mikayhla, I'm home!" Harry shouted from the entry way, I could hear him slipping his boots off.
"In here Haz," I called from the kitchen, leaning against the dining table.
"Hey baby how was your da-?" Harry stopped his mouth slightly agape.
"What's all this for?" He asked as I sat down at the table and gestured him to join me.
"I don't know," I shrugged and began eating. He eyed me skeptically for a moment before eating his meal.

After meal:

"That was amazing baby girl," Harry said patting his stomach. I reached under the table and pulled the the small white gift bag out, setting it on the table.
"What's that?" Harry asked, eyes fixated on the gift bag.
"Open it!" I squealed slightly and shoved it towards him. He tore the tape from the top and took the shirt out. He looked puzzled for a moment before I reached into the bag and handed him the pregnancy stick.
"Is this real Mikayhla?" Harry stood up with the stick in his hands.
"We're having a baby Haz!" I stood up as well, a tear sliding down my cheek. Harry immediately enveloped me in his arms and kissed me passionately.
"We're going to parents, parents!"
"Congratulations daddy!"

I had been sitting home all day, pacing most of time due to my nerves. I hadn't exactly planned anything extravagant for telling Niall I really just think I'll simply tell him. And that's what I've been practicing for the past 4 hours but all I can seem to come up with is:
"I'm pregnant." That's it. But honestly Niall and I were always straight forward with one another so it probably made sense. Good. It was settled then. As soon as Niall walked through those doors I was simply  just going to tell him.

30 minutes later: 

The door swung open and my favourite Irish voice echoed through the home.
"Alyssa honey, where are you?" His thick accent spoke ringing through the walls of the house.
"In the living room babe," I yelled back at him.
Niall came to the room and plopped on the couch beside me, kicking off his sneakers and then throwing his feet up on the coffee table.
"Ni, I have to tell you something," I turned my body to face his, sitting cross legged on the couch.
"What is it princess?" Niall said facing me as well, worry adorning his features. I took a deep breath and just said it...
"I'm pregnant," I blurted out and waited for his reaction. His eyes went wide.
"Are you sure, one hundred percent?"
"Yes babe, look," I handed him the positive pregnancy test and I swear he literally jumped for joy, almost kicking the coffee †able over in the process.
"We're having a baby Alyssa!"
"Yes Niall I know," I giggled as Niall scooped me up in a massive hug. I continued to giggle as Niall peppered my face in kisses.

I was absolutely ecstatic about the positive pregnancy test and with my excitement I couldn't even begin to imagine how excited Liam would be. I had a very cute way to reveal our baby to him when he got home. But unfortunately I had another two hours before Liam was expected home. So I did the only real thing I thought was appropriate. Cleaned out some of the spare bedroom that would eventually become the baby's room. The baby. It felt so nice to say that. I looked around the room thinking; in just nine months there would be a perfect mixture of Liam and I sat in a little crib. It made me sigh contently as I started to go through some of mine and Liam's old clothes.

2 hours later: 

I heard Liam's car in the driveway, I got my reveal out of the fridge quickly and quickly made my way to the front door to meet my husband.                                                                                                           "Hey honey how was your day?" Liam asked as he got to the front door.                                                     "It was absolutely amazing, but I have something for you," I took my hand from behind my back and handed him a single pea.                                                                                                                               "Olivia? Are you right love?" he asked puzzled, as he stared at the pea.                                                                                                                                                                                       "Care to explain why I have a pea in my hand?"                                                                                                    "I just thought you'd like to see a scale size example of how big our baby is," I grinned wide and watched as Liam went wide eyed, still focusing on the pea.                                                                        "O-our what?"                                                                                                                                                                 "Our baby Li, I'm pregnant!" Liam suddenly dropped the pea, dipped me low and kissed my lips. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to be a dad!" Liam yelled in joy, his smile the widest I've ever seen it. 

An hour and half after finding out that I was going to be a mother the suspense of waiting for Louis was eating me up inside so after another good 40 minutes of contemplating whether or not to just call Louis and tell him I decided to just fuck it and call him. I couldn't wait any longer and now would be a better time tan ever because he was most likely on his lunch break. I picked up the phone and took a minute to steady my breathing before dialling Louis' number. It rung four times before he picked up.
"Hey love, what's up?" I heard him on the other side of the line.
"Louis I have something life changing to tell you," I wanted to rile him up a little before I finally spilled.
"What is it love? Should I be worried?" he asked sceptically.
"No, you shouldn't be worried because you're going to be the best daddy ever!" I squealed over the line.
"Ellie, what did you just say?" Louis said in almost a whisper.
"We're having a baby Lou!"
"Oh my god! I'm coming home right now," he announced before I heard some shuffling around.
"No Lou, it's fine," I reassured him but then I suddenly heard a car engine and I knew there was no changing my stubborn husbands mind.
"I'll see you in 10 minutes El," and that's the last thing I heard before the line went dead. I sighed and placed my hands on my flat stomach.
"God I hope you're not as stubborn as your dad," I chuckled softly.

Zayn and myself had always been the creative type. So it was kind of inevitable that I would reveal my pregnancy in a creative way. And I knew just the way to do so. I was a writer and kind of known for my poems so what better fitting way to tell Zayn than to write him a poem. I quickly put my plan into place because Zayn would be home in less than 10 minutes, my idea wasn't anything grand due to the short amount of time but I thought it was fun and creative so I did it anyways. After writing on the paper and taping the pregnancy test over it I waited for Zayn to arrive home.

The paper read:
Roses are red, Test lines are pink. Look what we did baby!!!
(Pregnancy test)
What do you think?!?!?                                                                                                                                               Baby Malik is on the way!

I immediately lit up as soon as I saw Zayn walking up the driveway. I got the paper from the kitchen counter where it had been sitting and went to the entry way of the house. Zayn was walking in when I got there and I immediately kissed him on the lips.
"Hey sweetheart," Zayn smiled at me and looked at the paper in my hand.
"What's that Danni?" he asked curious.
"Here babe," I smiled at him and handed him the paper with our whole future attached to it. While he was reading it I could practically feel my heart beating out of my chest.
"Is this real?" I looked up and my eyes met his where I could see tears.
"I'm pregnant," I whispered placing a hand on my stomach. Zayn came to me immediately and captured my lips with his.
"There's a baby in there," he whispered. Forehead against mine, tears in his eyes, hand placed over my stomach.
"Our baby."
"Our baby."

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