Chapter 14: Sacrifice

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"You sure?" She asked, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable and he gave her a nod.

The three stepped up to the tubs and she was starting to regret wearing a dress today as she stared at the ice in the water.

Scott was in between both her and Stiles, the teen wolf didn't want to end things on a tense note with her. He took a step towards her and pulled her into a deep kiss, hoping to express how much she meant to him just in case things went wrong and they actually died.

Once they pulled away, her cheeks were flushed and her blue eyes staring into his brown one's conveying a message to him. I love you. He smiled, stepping back to his tub.

The three hesitantly stepped in and sat in the cold water, waiting for the three above them to push them under. Scott felt his heart dropping at what Stiles whispered to him. His father was back in town.

Isaac, Deaton, and Lydia all shared a brief nod before placing their hands on their shoulders and pushed them down. The three surrogate sacrifices feeling darkness surround them slowly.




The three shot up with sharp gasps, quickly getting out of the cold water. It was a giant unending white room that they found themselves in. They turned around, seeing the nemeton in the distance and slowly walked towards it.

Once they all stood a few feet away, Imogen could practically feel the magic power coming from it and couldn't help but reach over, letting her hand hover over it.



In a blink of an eye, the three of them found themselves elsewhere. Imogen was surprised to find herself in the backseat of a car but what was more surprising were the people in the front seats. It was her and her Uncle Ben. It didn't take her long to realize that this was probably a memory of hers once she took a further inspection at her other selves appearance.

"Can we get something to eat before we get to the new house?" Imogen asked, sitting in the front seat as she stared out the window with a bored look.

Ben hummed. "Yeah, do you want chinese?" He squinted, barely able to see outside from how much it was raining.

Imogen realized that this memory or illusion was from the night they came to Beacon Hills.

"Definitely." She agreed, looking out the front now and shrieked, seeing a figure jumping out in front of the car. "Uncle Ben! Look out!"

The doctor swerved around the figure, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "What the hell!?" He exclaimed.

Imogen looked back. "We have to go back and make sure they're okay."

"Are you insane?" He glanced at her in disbelief. "What if they're a serial killer?" He didn't want to run into trouble on their first night back especially since he knows what lurks in the woods.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "We have to go back, Uncle Ben! What if they're hurt?!" She snapped and he pursed his lips in frustration before turning the back around. Once they got to the spot where the person jumped out, she got out of the car, ignoring her uncles protests.

The other Imogen followed behind her, furrowing her brows slightly.

The young sophomore followed the footsteps on the ground and found an inhaler on the ground. She crouched down, picking it up. Could the person that jumped out had an asthma attack? She really hoped not.

Take On The World ◎ Scott McCallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz