Chapter 6: Classy Changes

Start from the beginning

I didn't need to shower since I have already taken one, I brushed my hair and it naturally fell into a fringe yet a quiff too. I sprayed some fancy cologne she bought me as well. I looked in the mirror.

'Wow, I didn't look like a dork anymore' I thought. I smiled at the thought of me being someone popular.

Aurora's P.O.V.

I searched and searched through my quite large walk in closet for a dress to wear. Most of my dresses didn't suit me. They were more short and exposing than classy and nice, the way I like it. But of course my mom had to buy me dresses to 'fit in'. I kept rumbling through my closet until I came across that one dress I had that actually ment something to me. It was a red dress kinda mid length with a black belt in the middle. It was the last thing my father gave me before he left, even though I wore it once, it ment alot. Along with other things, like books, jewelry, stupid knock knock jokes he wrote and a locket. He gave it to me on a teddy bear that I still sleep with. It was my grandmother's. I used to wear it everyday but it would upset my mom and piss my Stepfather off, so I'm going wear it now. I stepped into the shower, did my business and came out and curled my hair and applied my makeup which was light eyeshadow, black eyeliner, some foundation and red lipstick. I then put my dress on and put on my necklace. I sprayed some fancy perfume on and grabbed my black heels and headed towards Harry's room. I put my heels on right before I knocked on the door.

Suddenly, the door opened and my jaw dropped. Harry looked absolutely amazing. I couldn't believe it was him. His dimples popped out when he saw my reaction. He even had the same reaction when he saw me.

I didn't understand why though. I wasn't pretty like other girls.

Harry's P.O.V

As I opened my door, I was staring at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She looked so beautiful with her curly hair, and her smile and that dress. God.

She had the same reaction as me causing me to smile.

I didn't know why though, I wasn't special.

"You look absolutely beautiful". I told her truthfully. She blushed and mumbled 'Thank you' and she said that I looked handsome. Now, it was my time to blush.

Come to think of it, We're even matching!

We headed downstairs as Aurora's mum came up to us. "Aurora, honey, you look amazing and...." she trailed off looking at Aurora's necklace. "Nevermind" she mumbled and looked at me.

"The chef that I had hired just yesterday, is starting today so you won't have to make us food. You just have to serve us. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Hey, that makes your life even more better". Aurora said sarcastically before I nudged her shoulder. "Come on"

Aurora's P.O.V. (I keep switching, I know, I'm sorry)

I headed downstairs to see guest piling into the house and Harry going towards the kitchen. My mom came up to me and told me to greet the guests. So I did.

They all stood or sat chatting around as they munched on little snacks the chef made, and Harry served. I sat on the couch legs crossed like lady and stood there quietly that was until Harry came up to me with a tray.

"m'lady, would you care for a treat?" Harry asked in a fancy voice. I laughed a took a snack which was basically a biscuit with a fruit puree on it. It taste good actually.

"Thank you, kind sir"

"Very welcome, m'lady"

I laughed again only to get some glares from some of the adults. I rolled my eyes.

*1 hour later*

I was now seated at the dinner room table which was extended to hold our guest. Harry was in and out serving the food. He honestly looked tired. But, there was nothing I can do. But every time Harry would serve me my food, he'll whisper some random stuff in my ear that made me hold back a laugh, he was trying to make me embrass myself, this dork.

"Jessica, why is your maid flirting with your daughter?" some black haired lady said to my mother.

"What!" my Stepfather said sternly.

"They look quite comfortable, I bet it's that classy change that made her go crazy, hmmmmm?" "You know teenage girls always the use and loose" she continued. My jaw dropped.

As I was about to speak, someone else butt-ed in. "Yeah, just look at the useless poor boy, living it up rich style".

"I don't even now why he's your maid, he is down to earth worthless, stupid poor, no wonder why he got separated from his family".

Those words made my heart drop. Harry got separated from his family? And how dare this no good man say this about Harry. I stood up, and look to my left see Harry with tears in his eyes. I have never seen someone so hurt. He turned away not even looking at me and walked up the stairs. I sighed as I rolled my eyes and told the man and woman "you have no heart" and stormed upstairs.

I knocked on Harry's door about 20 times yet he still wouldn't open the door.

"Harry, please open the door, stop crying, it's alright let me in, please". He still didn't open the door. I sighed as I slid down the door onto the floor.


Poor Harry.

Anyways, here is chapter 6, hope you like it and in the next chapter I'll be showing you the house and the clothes they wore in this chapter!

Thanks for the support x.

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