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" Oh wow...T-Thanks Madison" i furrowed my eyebrows looking over the picture of her and my dad...and their daughter.

See...she's a bitch.

" No problem...just...a reminder...yanno" she smirked. i frowned looking down at my feet.

" Thanks" i weakly smiled walking away.

I shook my head walking past everyone outside.

I need air...Major oxygen!

Everybody was inside so i just walked out onto the patio, closing the door behind me an taking a seat. I pulled my knees to my chest sniffling.

A reminder?

What Is she trying to say?...She's always saying these horrible things just to rub it in our faces that our Dad cheated on our mother with her and now she's not just a side chick!...She makes me sick and sometimes i can't take it!

" Hey birthday girl?...what're you doing out here?" Mom asked walking over to me from the glass door.

" Oh uhm hey!" I fake smiled flipping the family picture upside down so she didn't see it.

" What's that?" she asked sitting beside me.

" Oh this..." i furrowed my eyebrows looking back and forth from her to the picture. " N-Nothing...just a gift...from...Madison" i weakly smiled looking off into the darkness.

She raised an eyebrow looking me dead in the eye.

She does this when she's certain that i am lying and doesn't stop until she gets it all out of me...she's evil sometimes.

I sighed handing her the portrait.

" She uhm...said it was a reminder of something...i have no idea" I sighed handing her the portrait.

She looked at it, Then she frowned...

Then...she got angry...

and before i knew it she was up and storming back into the house.

" Mom! Mom stop!" i groaned hopping up trailing behind her into the kitchen.

She's furious and when she's furious there is no stopping her...

" Babe?...Honey what's wrong?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows following us when he saw her storm into through the kitchen. " What's going on?" he asked me.

" Ugh uhm...you'll see in a minute" i sighed deciding to just let it happen.

" Woah Victoria!" My Dad widened his eyes once my mom dropped the frame onto his lap.

" Control your fucking...Wife!...or whatever the fuck she is!...I'm tired of my daughter coming home upset! because she doesn't know how to be a fucking adult and leave the kids out of whatever HATRED! she has for me!...Now she's giving her birthday presents like this?!...Trying to install bullshit in her brain!...You already know what we went through that following year with her and im damn sure not gonna let that Bitch! bring that back onto her!!..." My mom snapped breathing hard and bringing attention to the situation.

Everybody was now paying attention to the situation...looking at my mom, Jack, and me...i felt awkward and uncomfortable.

" Maybe your daughter needs to know who he really loves!...I mean...it was never you three so...i took it upon myself to make it known...she's an adult now...she can surely take it" I heard Madison laugh walking in with two beers.

" Madison!...stop it that is n-"

" so it's not true now but yet you came to me months after your wedding with regret?...saying that you fucked up...having a baby in the first place with her...Then having another mistake...those are your words" she smirked.

" Madison...Plea-"

" So i was a mistake to you" Jaden walked in looking at our dad.

" Jaden...Thats...That's not true...I love you...I love you both...so much" Jack said wide eyed walking around the couch and over to us.

" You're a fraud!...My whole life y-You didn't even want me?!...What was the point huh?!...WHY DID YOU STAY!?...You asshole!" Jaden angrily yelled tearing up.

" Jay...Stop...No...that's...I did and i do love you guys...What i said was a mistake and a lie!...I was angry at your mother a-and i flipped out I just..."

" Whatever...I don't even care because Derek has been more of a husband and a father! to us then you ever were because you're just a liar! a fake! a manipulative piece of shit!...I never wanna see you again!..." Jaden yelled out the words all three of us were feeling. He shook his head and walked away leaving the whole room silent.

" Jay...Jaden! Derek can you...please" My mom combed a hand through her hair looking up at the ceiling.

Derek nodded quickly chasing after Jaden.

" Sophia...You don't...You don't believe that...right? i mean...you know i love you" Jack weakly smiled turning the attention back onto us.

I took a deep breath shrugging.

" Whatever helps you sleep at night...I've always been a smart kid since i was 3...and i remember a lot of things...a lot of phone calls i've heard...it's quite crazy actually...It was nice knowing my whole life that you wished my mom had an abortion because you were living a lie...Hope you two have a wonderful wedding because i'm all about positivity but...i won't be attending..." i weakly smiled walking past him over to my mom.

My mom who loves me and has always made me feel like she really loves me...I know i can depend on her...for my whole life

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