Chapter 3: Wrong Idea

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Nash POV

'Igneel? Sylvia? Confession? S-she confess to him? She confess to my twin brother????!!"

My mind is going crazy!!

'She confess to him.....she doesn't love me!!' I started walking towards the train station with my head down. There was only one thing in my mind

'She doesn't love me!'

I walk inside and my motion sickness kick in. But i ignored it and keep thinking

I keep thinking and thinking. Not knowing that I was already at Magnolia.

"Next stop is Magnolia!" I heard. It snap me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and got up. I grab my bag and walk out of the train.

I walk back to my house trying to not think of Sylvia and Igneel.

I got inside and ran to my room.

"Yo Son!" I heard dad but I ignored him and walk inside my room then lock it.

I got in the bed and hug my knees.

'I know I love her but I didn't know I had fallen for her THAT hard...' I thought. I then feel my cheeks get wet. I touch them to feel it was tears. 'Tears?! Seriously?! Ugh! This heart break hurts!!' I sob. I wipe my tears but they just keep on falling.

I decided to just let it fall. I rest my head on my knees and cry. My heart hurts, it's in pieces.

"Nash...?" I heard someone call and open my door. I look up to see dad. He look at me shock and rush to my side. "Hey what happen? Why are you crying son?" He ask. I sob. I don't want to tell him but he won't stop until he got answers.

"S-S-Sylvia a-and I-Igneel..." Just saying thier name hurts!

"What happen to them? You can tell me." He said. I gulp.

"...Sylvia c-confess t-to Igneel a-and..." I think he got the message cause he hug me and let my head rest at his shoulder.

"Shh. It's ok. That's heartbreak. You'll get over it." He rub my back and I cry at his shoulder.

Dad has always been there at my dark times. He would always make me happy and let me cry at his shoulder. That's why I love him.

He keep rubbing my back and letting me cry. I don't know how long I cried. But I know is I fallen asleep.

Natsu POV

I look at Nash. He fallen asleep. I lay him on his bed and tuck him in.

I didn't know he'll feel the pain I felt before... The pain when Gray and Lucy started dating...

Flashback (a/n: we'll be on NaLu for a bit)

I walk towards the guild with Happy following behind. We were supposed to go to Lucy's apartment but she leave a note that she'll be in the guild. So we just went there.

I open the guild doors.

"Morning Mi-!" I stop at my greetings when something I wish I didn't saw was infront of my eyes.

Lucy and Gray were making out!

I suddenly let out a sob out of no where. Happy grab my hand and pull me out. I was shaking. I was also sobbing. I didn't even notice I was crying.

Since the first time I met Lucy I always felt something inside me. And only found out about after I save Lucy from falling off the tower when Phantom Lord attacked.

Happy drag me back home. He sat me on the couch and rub my back. No words were said. I guess he know I don't wanna talk about it. Well I'm glad.

I hug my knees and cry. All I can do is cry anways.

| Time Skip: 1 Year Later |

A year had passed since Gray and Lucy started dating. I still haven't gotten over her.

Since that day, I rarely talk to Lucy or Gray or Happy or anyone. I barely go to guild even! I just go there to grab a job then head out as quick as I can.

Juvia wasn't the same too. She just sit at the guild staring at nothing.

A knock was heard on my door. With a growl I got up the couch and walk towards it.

I opened it to reveal Lucy!

"L-Lucy?" I stutter saying her name. She smile at me. A sad smile.

"Hey Natsu." I let her in and she sat at the couch. I sat next to her. An awkward silence was in the room. Then I decided to speak.

"So why are you here?" I asked. She giggle. Oh that giggle I always love to here. But not when it is for Gray.

"Can't I visit my best friend?" Best friend...that's me to her. Only a friend. I give her a force smile.

"I guess your right." I prevent myself from crying nor sobbing.

"Natsu...Um...How can I say this?" I raise an eyebrow. She wanna say something?

"Just say it." I gave her a smile. She smile back. Her beautiful smile that I love.

"You and Gray were pretending to be dating." I was shock hearing it.


"To make you and Juvia jealous." My eyes widen. I open my mouth to say something but she cut me off by kissing me full on the lips. I sat there shock. Not moving nor kissing back.

She started to stop so I started to kiss back. We make out at my couch.

After that day me and Lucy started dating and love each other till today.

Flashback End

I sigh. I look at Nash one more time before going out his room.

As I got out there stood Igneel Jr. Dragneel. Nash's twin.

"Dad? Mom said Nash was crying. Why?" I wanna tell him cause of you but I don't wanna hurt his feelings and make him blame himself.

"Igneel let's have a talk."




Sorry that I took SOOOOOOOOOOOO long to update!

But now here it is!

I hope you liked it!

Different (Fairy Tail New Generation. Nash x Sylvia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant