City Lights Sparkle {Part 2} {Male!Ukraine}

Start from the beginning

Actually, the film was more like a documentary. You’d found it on Netflix the other day and were instantly reminded of Demitri and his family. You’d picked it tonight, only because you wanted to see the Soviet siblings’ reactions to it. They had no idea what they were going to watch until you hit ‘play’.

It was, of course, about the Cold War.

… Needless to say, this was not a very good idea.

“The United States shall become one with Mother Russia, da?” Anya suggested in a shockingly sweet and calm voice once the documentary was over. A black-and-purple mass seemed to move around her that wasn’t there before.

“All Americans shall receive a knife to the back of the neck if they ever happen to cross paths with me…” Nikolai echoed in a similarly intimidating voice, dark aura surrounding him and platinum hair shading his eyes.

You swallowed nervously. “Um… S-So maybe I shouldn’t have, uh…-” Before you could finish, Demitri stood up and gripped your wrist. Surprised, you looked up—hoping he wouldn’t be as annoyed as Nikolai and Anya.

Wouldn’t that be a sight? You’d never seen Demitri angry; he was much too sweet and older-brotherly. He hadn’t even raised his voice at you before. You couldn’t ever imagine having any type of problem with him. He was, to put it simply, absolutely perfect. The best boyfriend ever. Shy as he was, but adorable and kind nonetheless.

So, in reality, you weren’t surprised to see a soft smile on his face as he pulled you up. “Let’s go outside for a bit, okay?” While I let these two cool off, you knew he was thinking it.

You grinned up at him, love-struck. “Okay.”

Still holding your wrist, he began to lead you out of the living room and out the back door. You noticed there was a small blush on his cheeks; so cute. Even though you’d been dating him for the past couple months, he still got flustered and shy around you. Just like that day at the mall, when you first met him.

He was working at Victoria’s Secret, awkward much? But it was only since Anya was the manager and she’d be giving him a bonus. She’d later told you that Demitri often had financial trouble, which was why he was currently living with her. Nikolai resided in the same house as well, but only because he was still a minor. Demitri graduated high school last year; you’re currently a junior. And a two-year age difference is definitely nothing.

Noticing the pink still dusted across his cheeks, you gave him a smile. Gently, you removed your wrist from his grip. Instead, you placed your hand into his and intertwined your fingers with his own.

This immediately caused him to gasp, albeit lightly. You giggled at his embarrassment—the way his cheeks went from pink to his entire face heating up bright-red. “Let’s look at the stars. I bet they’re so pretty tonight.” You mused as you both reached the door.

Shyly, he nodded. Keeping his hand laced with yours—and a small smile on his lips—he used his other to open the back door for you.

Once you both stepped outside and shut the door, you glanced up and instantly remembered exactly why he loved the country so much.

The open fields stretched on for miles, leaving you two isolated in Anya’s own property of land. Countless rows of tall corn stalks were to the far right of the house, while a large wheat field was to the left. The night sky looked like it was scattered with diamonds. They twinkled with a silver shine against the dark blue skyline.

Sure, you still loved the city, but being out in the open fresh air was something else.

“So, I told you not to come tonight…” Demitri looked towards you, worry clear in his innocent blue eyes, “I-I knew Nikolai was going to be home and I just-”

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