Start from the beginning

"Sorry," Yoongi smiles, "I meant let's go in."

"Better,"  jimin says, opening up the car door and stepping out and yoongi and Jihyun follow in suit.

"You're dressed so plain," Yoongi complains and jimin slaps his arm. He's wearing jeans and a black long sleeve with a white leather jacket over it, not overdressing in his usually racy clothes he wears to the clubs.

"I literally took this from your closet," jimin rolls his eyes.


He eyes his boyfriend's attire and of course Yoongi went with a short sleeve leave print button up, showing off his tattoos and the neckline dipped down enough to see the tattoo for him. "Well... it'll be a surprise," jimin laughs, shoving his hands into his pockets. He knows he's not going to act fake with them, the reason why he got kicked out was for being his true self so why hide it now.

Jihyun walks up first, opening up the front door and the couple walk behind him, Yoongi humming lowly as Jimin walks in first.

"Mom, Dad," Jihyun calls out, slipping off his shoes and jimin follows in suit as the boy disappears around the corner.

Jimin feels a wave of nostalgia hit him as he looks around, its as it always has been, a homey feel, comfortable yet it's not his home anymore. Though it brings back a childlike comfort, a blanket wrapped around him full of warmth, his home is with yoongi and that's where he belongs now. Jimin turns to Yoongi who tries to get away with keeping his shoes on.

"Take them off," jimin demands and yoongi huffs out, pouting slightly before he kicks them off and jimin giggles, walking over to him and wrapping his arms around his neck.


"No," jimin giggles, pecking yoongi's lips. "You?"

"I get to meet the two people who created all of this," Yoongi hums, running his hands down jimin's curves and the younger laughs. "I get to meet your maker."

"You sound like such a creep sometimes," jimin laughs and yoongi scrunches his nose. "Most of the time actually," jimin jokes, nudging his nose against his boyfriends.

"What are you doing here?"

Jimin snaps his head over to the hallway, his father standing with his arms crossed and jimin's hands fall to his sides before he slips them into his jean pockets. "Came to visit you, pops," he smiles and yoongi stands with his brows raised. He's never nervous about anything but thinking about meeting Jimin's parents kind of has him on edge... slightly.

"I thought I kicked you out."

"Guess I'm a boomerang, I come back around at some point," jimin shrugs off, stepping forward. "Can't I visit my family? My own brother?"

"You never seemed to want to come back and visit all this time, what changed?"

Jimin lets out a snort, trying not to laugh so much, "are you joking? You kicked me to the curb, you want to leave me on the streets and expect me to come visit you monthly with a fresh batch of cookies? I came for Jihyun, for his sake," jimin snaps, turning to Yoongi who leans against the wall and that's when his father takes notice of the man with his son.

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