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' I bearly know this man, and I kinda like him' Rosie though to herself the man on the other hand was thinking the same thing except he actually liked it. "Well aren't you a darling" the man said as he stared at Rosetta she felt a little flattered but awkward from the mans compliment she blushed even more from it. "Oh well thank you, heh first time wearing one too" the man looked surprised and that's when Johnny looked at us but with a chilled face.

"Rosie's single you know" Rosetta glared at her friend with a now frustrated face. "Johnny!!" She quietly yelled to Johnny who was still chilled but Rosetta she was a blushing mess she then started to sweat as her body felt cold there was a awkward silence that came apon them. Rosetta and the man stared at each other once more but Rosie smiled awkwardly to him as she stared into his eyes

She felt a little calm from them she then asked. "Soo... What are we still doing in here" she laughed as the man snapped out of staring at Rosetta's beautiful hazel eyes. "Oh yes, come with me" He reffed to Rosetta and Johnny he gripped on both of them and pushed there backs firmly through all and walked pasted other creatures and monsters

Rosie was confused from it she looked at every monster they came across to. "Hey where are we going?" Rosetta asked a little confused and worried she was freaking out from all the monsters she didn't like. And that's when it gave Johnny the opportunity to open his big mouth. "Hey check it out, I'm a franken homie!" "Look at me!" Rosie stared at her friend annoyed but that annoyance faded quickly as the man pushed them both to the door they were close to going out. "Hey why are we going to the front door, are we leaving?" Asked Johnny the man had a smile on his face as he pushed Johnny's and Rosetta's backs firmly

He didn't really wanted Rosie to leave but he had to. "Umm, are we leaving already" Rosetta said as she looked up at the man he then stopped in front of some little short guy that bumped into Johnny as they both touched noses it was weird. "Miser Dracula," He said

Johnny then looked at the short man. "Hey sniffy, whats going on" Rosetta was about to laugh but ended up with a little snort then the man pushed Rosie and Johnny behind his back as he was talking to the short man he kinda looked like a chef he even had a pet rat named 'ezmerelda'

Rosetta and Johnny were beside each other not really paying attention to there conversation then Johnny spoke. "Hey Rosie, look" Johnny said as he ran over to a skeleton lady Rosetta felt uneasy from it to her it looked real. "Johnny what are you doing! come back here!" Rosetta called out for Johnny but again he didn't listened

"Woah check that costume out" Johnny said in amusement Rosetta then slapped her head with force 'omg Johnny' yelled Rosetta in her mind. "Wow seriously I just have to ask you, how are you pulling this off, I mean it looks so real, like like I can put my hand right through-" He then got interrupted by the skeleton lady's quivering cries.

And then got slapped in the face by the skeleton lady but a male one came out of nowhere. "What do you think your doing" the skeleton man said he was angry, Rosetta noticed it she quickly ran to Johnny but was interrupted by other monsters. "Johnny!" "Uhh she's real, your real!" Johnny said out now a little startled. "Yeah, and giving you a real beat, keep your hands out of my wife!"

He then pushed Johnny with all his force witch made Johnny slam into a big foot Johnny looked up and ran away screaming Rosetta tried to get him but he was to fast for her. "Johnny wait come back!" Rosetta yelled as she ran after him she had to pull up her dress to have free space for her legs to run

And now back with the mysterious man. He looked at the back of himself to find but see no humans. "Oh no" was all he said as he went go and look for Rosetta and Johnny. Johnny screamed for his life as for Rosetta she had a hard time trying to catch up to him. "Johnny wait!" Rosetta was now at the back of Johnny but he ran away again and by that it caught the mans attention

Johnny ran into all sorts of weird alien, monster thing creatures he was so freaked out by them he kept on running into random places in the lobby the man was also having a hard time trying to find Johnny he then spotted him Johnny was now confronted by a green blobby looking thing he slide right to him and that bumped him all the way back he then pushed away a witch probably on accident and landed in her place he was holding onto her broomstick and it magically flew in the air wildly also with him on it

Rosetta saw it and panicked even more Johnny flew and bumped into luggage and flew past monsters and bumped down on the ground but flew back up again and by that it caught the mans attention again Johnny flew up really high

And then he bumped a girl over they both landed on the hard floor the girl rubbed her head and so did Johnny they both then looked at each other and a pink sparkling light circled around there eyes it was faded but then

"Mavis honey, are you Alright!" The man said to the young girl as he hidden Johnny at the back of his cape. "Yeah I think so, that was weird" then Rosetta came and helped Johnny. "Johnny are you ok?" "Uhh.. my head hurts" the man looked at his cape and then looked at the girl with a nervous smile on his face. "Umm who is that" the girl asked

"Who is what" he asked the girl acting like he didn't even notice anything that happened he then realised. "Oh oh that, that is uh nobody" "seriously dad" then Johnny moved the cape out of his face and said in a
Utterly and complete surprise. "Dad" "Yeah I know Dracula's daughter everyone freaks out at first" "DRACULA!!" Rosetta and Johnny both screached out Rosetta was even more scared now the man then put the cape back on now Rosetta and Johnny's faces as they still had a shocked face.

"Ok we got da go" the man said as he rushed Rosetta and Johnny up the stairs and into a room. The girl was left confused and puzzled as she watched her father leave with Rosetta and Johnny.

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