11: Training and rage

Start from the beginning

"Thank you dad." I hugged him and he hugged me back. We both walked out of the gym after he burned the destroyed bags, cleaned up the ashes and sand.

We were met by my pack and Alex waiting my the door. They all looked at me and then my dad. I looked up at dad and he had a smile on his face. He hugged me one more time.

"Be good darling me and your mom are looking out for you." He said then teleported away leaving a black sand like substance.

"So are you calm again?" Simon asks.

"Yes. I am." I answer with a smile.

"How dose he calm you down? I don't get it!" He says frustrated, I just laugh.

"He tells me rhe story of how him and mom met." I say. They all look suprised I have never told them how he did it before.

"Who's your mom?" Alex asks me, I just look at him.

"She has never shared that information with anyone." August answers for me.

"Oh... Ok, just one question." Alex says. I nod reluctantly I still hate him with a passion.

"What was with the black flames?" He asks.

"That's classified." I dead panned.

"Oh come on tell me." He prys.

"No." I say.

"Bu-" He was cut off by me

"Alex stop I am not telling. Like I said it's classified." I say and start to walk away.

"Oh and make sure all eligible females are there including Lilly." I say with a smirk. Alex nods and I walk back to the house to mentally prepare my self for training.

-time skip to training-

I walk out onto the training grounds and see all of the males and only some of the females, I look over to Alex and walk up next to him.

"Where are the females?" I ask and he tensed up,

'Huh he can feel the mate bond physically.' Destiny's voice came through in my head.

'Well you have been silent lately.' I reply to her.

"I told them to come but I don't think they listened." He answers.

"They will come but they will be late, I'd say about fifteen minutes late." August says. I nod and lool back at the group of wolf's that are chatting away.

"Ok everyone! Time to start! Get in a grid form and wait silently for my instructions!" I yell at them and they immediately do as I say. Once they are all in a grid I stand in front of them.

"Ok so how many of you knew that females were coming today?" I ask. All of them raised their hands and one person even said that the whole pack knew.

"Well then because everyone knew, for every female or male that is late it is another one minute of nonstop running! That me, and Alex with partake in!" I yell and get a lot of groans.

"Wait I never said I would do that." Alex said, I turn to him.

"Well you have just been told that you are doing it Alex." I say and he shivers slightly when I say his name.

After about ten minutes everyone is their, because of all the girl getting dolled up they added a hour to the running time.

"Ok mutts we have a hour of nonstop running around the border, and my pack memebers will be watching you guys from the tree tops, and before you guys ask no I don't trust you guys at all especially the females." I say eyeing Lilly at the end.

About three minutes into the run I get a notice that some of the girls have stopped running, and are trying to seduce August. So I told him to get her running again, at any means necessary. And don't worry he won't do anything sexual he wouldn't do that to his mate.

After the run everyone was panting besides for my pack, our warm up is a five hour run.

"Get in grid form after you get a drink that is no more then a minute long and no talking!" I order and they oblige, besides for the slut who walks up to Alex her make-up smeared.

"Bae, do I have to do this I mean I only take orders fron you or another Alpha." She pouts. Rage starts to fill me but I don't know if it's jealousy or the fact that she said she only takes orders from other Alphas besides Alex.

After they all got their drink they got in the grid again, we worked on hand to hand and some defensive strategies, most of the girls needed a lot of help but some of them seemed to get the hang of it.

"Ugh! Finally training is over! That was probably the worst session I have ever had." I vented to my pack once we where at our house, they all laughed abd we had a good time laughing and joking till we all went to bed for the night. I was going to get another job tomorrow to. Yay!

(Thanks for reading! And remember to comment it helps more then you think!)

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