Chapter 4

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Later that night, or morning, or whenever it was, I found a corner, curled up to stay warm, and fell asleep. In my slumber I had a dream/vision (I still don't know which) that I was in an empty room with white walls. The place smelled like paint so I assumed that the walls must have been recently painted. I looked around but could not find a door. I looked up and noticed that the walls continued to go up as far as I could see. They also traveled down past the limitations of my sight. The "floor" was confusing. There was something under me, I knew there was, but all I could see for miles down was light. It was as if there was no floor.

Only one other person was in the room with me. The man was standing in front of me and radiating with power. Besides the fact that he was glowing ocean blue he looked like an ordinary man in blue jeans a white polo shirt and a pair of Nikes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Gabriel," the man replied.

I was confused. "So you are an angel?"

"Archangel," he firmly corrected

"Where are your wings and halo and robes and -"

"You didn't really think that angels had all that silly stuff did you?

"Um, no, I mean yes, but no if you are talking about, I mean - Just forget about the wings and stuff. I guess I am having a dream, right."

"No, you are having a vision."

"Is there really a difference?"


"What's the difference? I mean, Webster's Dictionary shows them to be synonyms."

"I've never heard of this webber man's thing that you call a dictionary, but dreams are imagination and visions are reality. Just listen to me and do what I say."

"Yes, Sir Mr. Wingless Archangel Gabriel in ordinary clothing," I sarcastically replied, "I suppose you have come to bring tidings of great joy for all people on earth. Well I am glad to be the bearer of such wonderful news once you take off the plain man disguise and show your angelic nature."

He glowered at me as if he really wanted to kill me, but wasn't supposed to. "Ok, disrespectful punk, here is the two second version of the "wonderful news" but you won't have to tell the whole earth. Here it is, marry Mary and name the baby Jesus. Got it kid?"

"Actually that took you a little longer to say your "two second" message. But seriously, you expect me to believe that this baby was just miraculously conceived by the Holly, I mean, Holy Spirit? I have faith and all, but this stuff is just nonsense. Oh, and by the way, are you going to show your angelic holiness yet? Sometimes it is even called angelic pulchritude. I mean everyone one earth knows about it and maybe I'll break out my camera and snap a photo."

He threw me another I-really-want-to-kill-you-but-I-can't look. "Are you insulting me?"

"No, hardly, pulchritude is derived from the Latin word pulcher, which is a 2nd declension adjective which means beautiful. According to Webster's Diction -"

"Forget about webber man, just believe what Mary told you and do what I commanded you. Marry Mary and name the baby Jesus, UNDERSTOOD!!!" his tone of voice grew with every syllable.

"Interesting choice of words," I snickered, "Marry Mary? Angels really do have a sense of humor"

His heavenly glow had slowly darkened and was now blood-red. "DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR TO YOU?!"

"Yes," I replied. So far my confidence level had been growing with every word I spoke. Now it was definitely at an all-time high.

"You, young man, have-"

"Gabriel" a voice from above calmly called, "are losing your temper again? Don't make me come down there."

"Yes Almighty," he grumbled.

When the presence from the voice above disappeared, I decided that it was safe to go on. "Gabriel, one more thing," I called.

He glared at me and snapped, "What do you want now?"

"Can the marriage wait until after the birth? I need to get back to Colorado A-S-A-P. I can just call her my wife until then.

"Fine," he grumbled," just make sure that you don't ruin history too bad because if you do-"

At that moment I was blinded by a brilliant light. What color the light was I cannot say because the color of the light was one that I had never seen before. It was a blend of heavenly colors, such silver and gold, but, at the same time, nothing like those colors. The light was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When the light appeared a chorus of angels began singing "Hallelujah" over and over

Then the light spoke and the heavenly choir ceased. "Gabriel," it called, "I gave you a warning, now I give you a command. If you do not fix your wild attitude, this will go on your annual report as a Class A Violation No. 5342.

"Yes, Sir" Gabriel meekly responded.

"And you, young man," the voice in the light continued turning to me, "remember that whatever you do, this once, history will not change."

I could now see that there was a man who was radiating with the heavenly light. He was wearing a white robe reaching down to his feet and his hair was white as snow. His eyes were like a blazing fire and his feet like bronze glowing in a furnace. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. "Do not be afraid," he calmly stated, "I am the First and the Last. My presence will always be with you. Throughout your journey I will guide you. You will return nine months later and will have three days to travel to Bethlehem. Just remember to name the child Jesus. My spirit will counsel you on what to do, but, in the end, the choice is yours.

I stood up and replied "Thank you Mr. First and... um what should I call you sir?"

"I am known by many names, Philip; Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, I Am, Alpha and Omega, but you can call me Christ. He shimmered for a moment and then radiated so much power that I had to turn away.

I was stunned. I had just talked to the Lord in person. I had known that it was someone powerful, but I had just assumed that it was another angel. It took me a few minutes before I could speak but eventually I looked up and asked Gabriel, who was still in the room, Can I leave now?

"Yes," he replied

"I guess I'll see you around sometime."

"I hope not." He gave me one last death glare, and then I faded back into the real world.

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