Prolouge: Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV

"Don't worry Wise girl I got you" I heard my boyfriend say I looked up to see Percy caring me Bridal style. I look around and saw there was rubble finally I killed Arachne. A plank thudded on the ground and I noticed that the Argo II landed and everybody ran to me except Leo who took care of the Parthenon and Nico who stayed on the ship.

Once everything on bored percy put me down and the building calapsed. Leo took off not wanting to be near the Cassaum. Percy suddenly started sliding down the ship. I noticed there was webbing on his leg "Arachne" I muttered "cut it" Jason yelled but it was to late percy went over the side of the ship and into Tartarus everybody stopped and time seemed to slow down. I started crying and Hazel and Piper conferred me while the boys stood there gaping the Hero of Olympus and the Back bone of the group just fell to his death.


I'm so stupid I should have burned the rope or something.

Piper POV

I was so wrong about percy.

Percy jackson in TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now