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"mikey, what the fuck is that video?"

"is it real?"

"is that really you?"

these are all examples of questions i had been bombarded with after being in school for two minutes.

"hey, mikes," i heard a voice say behind me just as soon as i had escaped my verbal attacking.

i turned around, already knowing who it was because of the familiar voice.


"i knew that video wasn't real, don't let people beat you up about it, either. if they do, honestly, they're just jealous you're being talked about and they're not."

"i'm really fucking glad that you're not mad about this, pete. it really helps me out."

"yeah, no problem. wait-watch this."

pete immediately pulled out his phone and rapidly unlocked it. i then saw him go to snapchat.

he turned around so i couldn't see and typed furiously but carefully.

he then showed me this.

"oh my fucking god, pete

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"oh my fucking god, pete. you bastard," i said, then punching pete in the arm.

"whatever. i'm going to class."

"bye, pete, i love you," i said, immediately regretting my choice of risky words.


"i love you, too, mikey! bye!"

okay, that didn't backfire!
to be honest, i'm so fucking relieved.

the classes throughout the day were a bit tough with everyone crowding me, but it was less because of pete's post. there was a bit of heckling, but it didn't bother me much. i had gotten somewhat used to it after this whole belleville bitch bullshit started.

so that meant it was time to meet meagan and sarah behind the george park doors.

first, i met pete at his locker, greeting him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"hey, pete. meg and sarah are waiting for us."

"oh, okay. let's go," he said, quickly closing his locker and getting his backpack on.

"i'm kind of nervous. if it's this bad that we have to talk in person, it's pretty fucking bad."

"i feel you, mikes. and i've seen it from meagan's expressions and speech that something's up; i've been able to sense it from her since the fourth grade."

"yeah, even just when she first brought it up to me she seemed really shaken up about whatever it was. let's go find 'em."

we walked down the hallway, already seeing meagan and sarah outside.

pete basically sprinted, his backpack moving  loudly up and down from all the current movement. once he finally stopped, meagan waved almost emotionlessly at him, then at me. sarah just looked plain upset.

there was definitely something really fucking wrong.

i swear to god, once we find these bellevillebestgossip admins i'm going to take a flaming sword and stick it up their-

"hey, guys, thanks for coming to see us today," sarah said, interrupting my train of thought.

"now, before i show you this, you have to promise to not look at it for too long because it's pretty bad and i don't want anyone else seeing."

"um, okay, show m-FUCK WHAT?!" pete screamed once meagan showed the picture.

"pete, shut the fuck up!" meagan whispered. "mikey, uh, here. you should be able to see it for yourself without screeching like your boyfriend here."

she handed me the phone, sarah grimacing/cringing and trying to avoid eye contact with every single other person in the area, which was only the three of us.

and what i saw was something i definitely didn't want to see again.

hey queens i'm back with an update after like a week and a half oops
anyways so much happened over labor day weekend but i'll tell you The Tea next chapter it's too much for rn

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