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BLAIR LET OUT A SIGH, as she entered her boston apartment that she still shared with lucas to find someone on the couch.

"luc?"Blair asked, but to her avail, the person didn't respond.

blair dropped her bag, grabbing the softball bat in the corner, before making her way to mysterious person, when they stood up, walking over to her.

"blair."the person spoke, and blair dropped the bat, coming down with a clanging bang, "tanner.."

tanner walked in front of blair, both studying each other's features, "it's been awhile."

"and you know why."she rolled her eyes, making her way into the kitchen.

"blair let me talk."tanner begged, and blair sighed, "go."

"you are the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me, EVER. do you really think i'd fucking cheat to
loose you?"Tanner questioned, and blair sent him a poker face.

"I don't know, would you?"She questioned, and tanners aggravation rose.

"god damn it blair!"tanner snapped, slamming his hands against the counter, "i fucking wouldn't ok! she fucking kissed me!"

"then why didn't you talk to me for three fucking weeks?!"Blair snapped back, and tanner sighed in annoyance,

"because blair." tanners lips curled, "i thought somebody gave you my number because i got a new one, i wouldn't talk to you for three weeks on propose."

"nobody gave me your number, and your number wouldn't have changed if i didn't block your number, and had it at 'tanner.'" blair mocked, and rolled her eyes.

tanner slammed blair into the wall, smashing his lips into hers, catching the girl off guard.

she missed this.

she missed the two of them together.

she missed his kisses,

or the way he would tell her how beautiful she is because it made her feel like the world might be alright every once and awhile.

but it wasn't.

and this wasn't right.

but the two kept kissing.

and they weren't

s i m p l e

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