"Not much. Just meeting an old friend," I say.

"Who?" He asks getting up.

He walks towards the stone window and stretches in the warm sunlight.

"Remember Will?" I ask.

"Hmm... Yes! He's really nice," Mason says.

"Well... He sent me a Phoenix message. It said he needs to talk to me. I'm just nervous... More like worried."

"Nothing else?"


He leans out the window a little and breathes in the fresh air.

"How is little Ember doing?" He asks.

"She's probably going to burn today," I say.

He sighs.

"I hate it when Phoenixs do that... It hurts to watch," he says grimly.

"I've told you this before. Ember's done this several times before. She's been my family's emblem since... well... Forever ago," I explain.


Ember suddenly flies into my room.

Dipper manages to duck in time.

Ember lands on my arm and lets out a soft purr.

Some of her feathers fall to the ground.

"Scraaa..." she says sadly.

"I know... Come here..." I say hugging her.

I see Mason turn away.

I lift my bird up.

"Come on... Let's get you to your cage," I say sadly.

I set Ember on her bed and watch as her body turns to ashes.

I close my eyes and wait.


"Chirp! Chirp! Screeee!"

I smile and open my eyes.

I lift up a little Phoenix.

"Little Ember!" Dipper gasps.

He reaches out to the chick and pets her.

"Aww..." Mason says.

I let him hold Ember and watch as he hugs and kisses her.

I chuckle and cross my arms.

"Sometimes I feel like you love Ember more than me," I joke.

"Is Bill Cipher jealous?" Mason laughs.

"You wish."

I lean over and kiss him.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Your Majesty?" A soft voice calls.

I gasp and grab Ember gently.

"Dipper! Hide!" I say in a hushed tone.

He nods and darts under the bed.

"Come in Wendy," I say calmly.

"The King of Galactico is here," the redhead says.

"Great. I'll be down in a minute," I say.

Wendy nods and leaves.

"She's gone Dipper," I say turning around.

Dipper crawls out from under my bed.

"You really need to dust under there," he coughs.

"I'll tell the maids," I say sarcastically.

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