Chapter one

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this chapter is set during chapter eight of (The Seer) where Korbyn, Jeff and Masky are spending the day with Camille.

2 months earlier

Korbyn's POV

Hi I'm Korbyn Jumping Eagle and I've learned a lot about being a seer I've made a friend and had my first boyfriend, his name is Tim but most people call him Masky.

Masky, Jeff and I all went out to spend a day in the park with my best friend Camille, we hung out and paid on the grass and I could see that Jeff was eyeing Camille "you have a crush on her don't you?" I guessed, Jeff turned to me and put his finger to his lips, "I do but please don't ruin this for me I want to tell her myself. "Tell me what?" Camille asked curiously "Jeff has a crush on you" Masky smirked, making Jeff scowl.

"Masky you asshole I was going to tell her that" Camille giggled at how grumpy Jeff was "don't worry Jeff I feel the same about you" Camille said to Jeff, Jeff turned his head and Camille kissed him, Masky saw this and did the same to me before putting an arm around me.

"I always thought you and Jeff would end up together" Camille said "me and Jeff are just friends but I'm more in love with Masky" I told her, Masky tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "it's time for your training Miss seer" I nodded and we both got up and held hands. "Aw can't Jeff stay?" Camille asked, making me roll my eyes "okay fine you two can stay" then we walked off, hand in hand.

behind The Mask (Masky x Korbyn)Where stories live. Discover now