File 3: Not Quite A Day Off

Start from the beginning

He left the pan there to cool down, snatching a fork from a draw and seating himself down at a table for one, set right in front of the television a few steps from the kitchen.  He plopped down onto the wooden seat, raising his arms to stretch his aching but extremely toned muscles.  He let out a grunt as his body strained, closing his eyes as he twisted his neck around, resulting in chains of pops ringing through the empty apartment.

He sighed as he released his arms, smacking his lips slightly as his half-opened groggy eyes scanned the room for a particular object.  He spotted the remote on the armrest of his rather small couch; he snatched it within an instant, settling back into his seat to click on the screen.

The news channel was on its weather report as of the moment, so Levi watched half-heartedly as he sliced a piece of omelette from his place, eating the chunk with eagerness.

The high today was forty-eight degrees Fahrenheit with the low being thirty-three degrees.  Partly clouded skies with a sixty-percent chance of rain added to the broadcast, and the stupid map with the whirling colors covered the television screen; apparently it was a map of precipitation patterns of the week.

Levi scoffed, continuing to scoop the omelette pieces into his waiting mouth.  The news was always so boring anyways; he just needed to know the temperature and whether it was going to rain or not.  Otherwise, he was set to go.

After finishing his breakfast, washing it down with a tall glass of water, he scrubbed the dishes scrupulously so they gleamed with a certain shine.  He then placed them on the drying rack and swerved around on his heel, exiting the kitchen in a hasty-like manner.

Seeing the temperature forecast for the day, Levi decided to slip on a plain black knitted sweater; the weather always reached the high anyways, so he might as well dress for the high.  Taking one last look in the mirror to rearrange some hairs upon his head and to apply eye drops, Levi stormed out of his apartment with his coat draped over his arm, his keys jingling on their black lanyard, and his cell phone tucked away in his back pocket.

He reached his car and started the engine, backing out of the parking lot and towards town.  All the while, he sat in his vehicle in silence, not bothering to turn on the heater even though the temperature was nearing thirty-seven degrees outside; his neglected radio sat there in the frosty air, not to have been awakened since his father was arrested six years ago.

His father always gave him tracks to listen to in the car, and often times, when he would ride in the car with Levi to visit his late mother, who back then was still alive, in the hospital, Kenny would turn up the radio to a soft rock station; a genre of music he adored.

Whenever a favored artist would appear on the station, Kenny would turn up the volume a little bit more and lip sync to the music, huffing soft breaths as he smirked, gazing outside to the passing city as Levi drove him to the Trost Hospital of Cancer.

He always said that he and Mrs. Ackerman used to sing together to this type of music in the car, far before Levi was even born.  He said that the music soothed him, and it fit into any occasion really.  Kenny insisted that Levi sing with him, to which the angry youngster would scowl and bark him off, only for his father laugh and pat him on the head, saying how much of a brat he really was.

In the end though, Levi really did adore his father.  He set him on a pedestal as a role model, an ideal being, because he always saw some kindness shine in his eyes no matter how tough the situation would be.

That was, until Kenny was arrested and tried for first-degree murder on that fateful day...six years ago.  Levi could see it, when Kenny was being taken away, the way his eyes lacked that light it always had.  That was when he knew that insanity had taken his beloved father.

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