chapter 9

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"Youngjae please don't go. I dont--- I have to go Daehyun." Youngjae cut off with an almost emotionless voice as he put his bags in the back of his car.

"No you don't. You can stay here, we can be together, I can-" Daehyun stops when tears start flowing down his cheeks again. Youngjae turns around and hugs him. "Listen. Look at me." Youngjae says and Daehyun listens and looks at him. Youngjae smiled and wiped his tears away.

"There's still an us, we just can't be together as much anymore okay?" Youngjae says but Daehyun just starts crying again. Youngjae smiles and kisses him to which Daehyun responds.

"I gotta go, but I love you, so much, okay?" Youngjae asked as Daehyun's dad drove down the road towards them. Daehyun kissed Youngjae again before backing away. "I love you so much as well. Bye bye." Daehyun waved as Youngjae pulled out, before driving off he blew a kiss, to which Daehyun returned.

"Wasn't that bad, see? Soon you'll both be falling for someone else, and being happy with someone else" Daehyun's dad asked as they watched Youngjae drove off. "No, I'm happy with him dad, I'm happy with him." Daehyun turned around and walked inside.

Bro (DaeJae) (Youngjae x Daehyun) (BAP)Where stories live. Discover now