Chapter 22

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I'm finally home. Actually my mom's place but anyways is home. 

-"Mom?"- I said while I was openning the front door.

-"MY BABY IS HOME"- I heard her yelling from upstairs.

-"Hey mom"- I smiled when I saw her coming down.

-"OhMy! I can't believe you are finally here!"- She hugged me.

-"Well I am"- I smiled.-"Where is Robin?".

-"He's bringing some Tai food"- She smiled.

-"Oh ok"- I said.-"I'm so happy you are back".

I'm finally back in London for a few days. I got time to rest and forget about the world. Now I just want to lay down, eat Tai food and watch some movies with my mom and Robin. 

-"So Harry, how was the tour?"- Robin asked me.

-"It's been amazing"- I answered.

-"How about your conquers?"- My mom asked.

-"Still awkward to talk about that with you"- I laughed.

-"What? why? I know you take your precautions"- She smiled.

-"GOSH!"- I blushed.

-"Anne come on, don't embarrass him."- Robin said.

-"Thank you"- I said to Robin.

When we finish our movie I went to my old room to have some rest. 

-"Good night baby"- My mom said. 

-"Good night mom"- I smiled.-"I'm happy to be home". 

-"I'm happy too"- She smiled back.

-"So mom... I met this girl"- I said.

I told her about Sofia and everything that happened between us. My mom told me that I'm an idiot (Yes she called me like that). She thinks that I need to get her back or else forget about her. I'm thinking that the first option is the best one. Let's see how thinks goes when I return to LA in two weeks. 


-"Home, sweet home"- My mom said.

-"Finally"- I smiled. 

The family is together again. I'm so happy to be here with them. My mom cooked spaguettis and I couldn't be happier. 

-"So what's new?"- I asked. 

-"Well I met a guy, his name is Mark and he's a psychologist"- My mom said.

-"I see"- I need to meet this guys before his relationship with my mom gets more serious. 

-"Are you okay with that Ash?"- My mom asked.

-"What? Oh sure"- I smiled.

-"He's a nice guy"- Lauren said.

-"Oh so you already know him?"- I asked her. 

-"Yeah"- Harry said. 

-"Oh I see"- I said. 

-"Guys can you give me a second with your brother?"- My mom asked my sibs.

-"Mom I"- I tried to say.

-"Ash I want you to be happy for me"- My mom said.

-"I am mom"- I lie.

-"At least say you'll try"- She smiled.

-"Yes mom, I'll try"- I smiled back.

-"That's my baby"- She kissed me. 

-"Love you mom"- I said.

Live From My Heart (An Ashton Irwin and Harry Styles fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora