Chapter 30

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How can someone can miss this much? I really miss Ashton. I've never felt like this before, not even with Lucas. I mean, I was in love with Lucas but we were 15, we were just kids.

He never did something really nice for me, not like Ashton. I guess Lucas though that he got me already, that he didn't had to make an effort to make me happy because I didn't know anything about love, I wasn't the kind of girl that want cute or romantic stuff.

But now that I'm with Ash, I know what I want and how I want it. I guess I'm a hopeless romantic and I can't help it. I'M IN LOVE WITH ASHTON IRWIN.

I'm home, and my niece looks so big, I can't believe she has already a month old! I miss the Irwins, but I've missed more my family.

Oh, and by the way... Lauren is coming home, finally. She took a few more days to go with Niall to Paris, she sent me a few pictures and they look sooooo in love. I'm happy for them, they deserved each other.

-"LAUREN!"- I yelled from across the arriving zone of LAX. -"You are finally here!".

-"BAAAABEEE!"- she jump over me and felt on the ground.

-"How was Dublin... AND PARIS?"- I asked.

-"Gosh, Niall is so amazing and cute. Sof I'm in love for the first time"- Lauren said.

-"I can see that"- I smiled. -"I'm so happy for you, you have to tell me all about it".

-"Sure and what about Australia?"- She asked.

-"Oh my god, is the most amazing place on earth"- I opened the car's lock.

We were on our way to Lauren's place, we stopped for brunch and finally arrived. I told her about my trip and she told me about hers.


I miss my boyfriend. It's kind of funny you know? I never though I'll end up with a super sweet boy like Niall Horan.

I had the time of my life in Europe, I met Niall's family and his beautiful nephew. We went to Paris and had a lot of fun together, we walked a lot and eat even more. I love french food and Niall, well he just loves food.

-"Babe"- Niall said- "Are you ready?".

-"Not really"- I blushed.

-"They'll love you, I promise"- He smiled.

-"Okay, let's do it"- I was so nervous, I'm going to met Niall's mom.

Niall opened the door and there she was.

-"Hi sweetie, you most be Lauren"- Niall's mom hugged me.

-"Yes, hi"- I smiled.

-"Oh! It's so nice to finally met you, Niall told me a lot of things about you"- She said.-"You are even prettier than what he said".

-"Oh she is"- Niall put his arm around my neck.

-"Thank you"- I blushed and hugged Niall.

-"So let me show you the rest of the house"- Maura said.

-"This is beautiful"- I smiled.

-"Oh thanks, my husband will be here soon"- she smiled back. -"Then we'll have dinner".

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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Live From My Heart (An Ashton Irwin and Harry Styles fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz