Mysterious castle

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Me and Johnny my dearest friend were walking through a some how haunted spooky looking forest I didn't seem scared since I was accompanied by a friend of mine. "Hey Rosie! Look over there" I was snapped out of thought as I saw Johnny running towards a little town I ran after him. "Johnny wait where are you going!" When I touched his back we both fell down a hill we ran into a spider web except it hit Johnny's back pack when we landed on the ground we got up and I dusted myself off. "Oh look rose, cool" I had enough of his nonsense I was about to hit his back pack but I then saw a town and it looked like people pulling the walls down it then slammed on them but it looked like they didn't care they walked away to some where and some were on fire

We followed them to a secret place we were wowed in awe as we saw right In front of us was a giant castle we looked at it amused Johnny took a snap of the mysterious place with his phone I looked at him confused I then narrowed my eye lids at him raising my brow. "Seriously..." he looked at me and grinned. "Yep" I sighed and walked to the mysterious castle place Johnny followed beside me

We walked inside as we gone through the circling door thingy we looked around in wow there were lots of strange and kinda cool looking creatures we were surprised at the place it looked so old and cool it looks like a hotel. "Wow cool" I wowed out looking at everyone and everything Johnny seemed to agree with me

"Check this out" Johnny said in a chilled voice I looked at him and grinned he was next to a giant spider that was crawling by I stood terrified from it Johnny didn't know though he looked at me confused. "Hey Rosie are ok what is it?" He said I pointed my index at the crawling spider he turned around and screamed as he ran towards me he held onto me I was shaking now holding onto Johnny.

"Ok that was creepy..." I said as I looked at the crawling spider I hated spiders so much. "Well so that's our cue to leav-" I was about to say but someone that was in a black cape pushed me and Johnny all the way back to the spinning door it was now going inhuman speed me and Johnny looked at the man. "Who are you, and how did you find this place" he said he looked angry I was startled a little then Johnny told him everything I didn't cared to listened though I was more focused on the man I looked at his cape and thought it was a costume.

"How many of you are there" he said looking at Johnny he then said. "Just me and Rosie we like to hit it alone we meet so many people in the u-hacils, oh hey and speaking of awesome that cape thing is killing it!" Johnny said as he grabbed a hold of the mans cape   The man looked at him then me I frozed from his stare. It was like he was looking right through my soul. "Is it like a costume party here" Johnny still carried on

The man then grabbed Johnny's back pack and held onto it. "What have I done, this is all my fault, yous have to leave!" He cried out as he pulled us out of the spinning door he stopped as he saw more monsters coming to come in.

He then rushed himself back inside and hidden me and Johnny by his chest it was cold and stiff he rushed past other creatures and monsters and ran into a room he let go of us and that gave us a chance to breath. "Wow we couldn't breath..." I said out as I catched my breath the man stared at me and then at Johnny. "Wow. this rooms kinda small for a big castle, no bed but check out these awesome dub pans they give ya" Johnny said as he played with some sort of skeleton head thingy

He showed me it I was shocked from it. "Quite you fool, what weapons are keeping in this container, your pitch forks-" he went through all of Johnny's things and when he lifted up one of his old smelly shirts he then panicked he dropped it and cried out in disgust. "Ohh! I can't breath it's killing me!"

Johnny then picked it up. "Yeah, definitely due for a fluff and fold" he said as he put it back in his back pack I had to hold in my tears from it Johnny then took out his phone. "Oh what is this, a torture device, a secret mind controller, you won't read my thoughts, I won't let you!" He cried as he held his phone up a little dramatically I groaned and then said for Johnny.

"Dude its just music, here try it" I said as I put the ear puds in his ears and the music played it was called. 'Sexy and I know it' I chuckled a little from his reaction. Ohhh no! It's taking my soul!!" He said over dramatically as he cried out.

Then Johnny spoke up. "What it's a good jam, don't be a grandpa" I chuckled at that part and that's when we kinda made him a little angry he pushed us against the door and dramatically said. "You need to go, no human has ever entered this castle, and if someone should see you, the safety of the hotel, the sanctuary, no one would ever come again!" He said as he did something dramatic I was amused from it

Johnny then said. "Haha yeah, go for it, 'never come again' I love your Dracula voice it's so over the top" I laughed as I agreed with him. "Yeah, cool" the man then swooshed by the door. "And if Mavis, If she saw yous she would know that I lied, nooo!" He cried out again I was getting paranoid about the guy I then looked at Johnny who was by all the Clothes
That were hanged up

"Who's Mavis is this her room? we're good with a roommate I had six brothers growing up, so we can totally share" Johnny said coolly as he looked around I looked around to still a bit quite

The man then turned away. "Can't kill him it would set monsters back hundreds of years" I looked at the man concerned now I stared at Johnny and listened to him. "One time in ham burger, I roomed with this dude who I caught stealing my shampoo, I said, woah man he then threw a flower pot at me, but he was cool"

Then the man couldn't take anymore of his talking honestly so couldn't I. "What are you belabouring about!" He said out then Johnny looked at him. "What-   Oh hey check out these awesome costumes" Johnny said in wow I only stared at him confused

And that's when he gave the man a idea. "Costumes" He said as he grabbed a hold of Johnny's back pack. "Uhhh... what's this-" he pulled him and A's by that he placed it next to him. "Ah Sorry man I just can't leave without my back pack, everything I owns in there-" "it'll be right here" the man said as he put his fingers together as they touched tips

"Uh k, I just love my back pack..." I stared at the two with wide eyes I stared at the man with shock. "Ok what's happening here" I said as I put my hands on my hips the man looked at me and his eyes widened a bit I stared at his eyes a bit of sparkles of pink lights circled around his eyes and it felt like it happened to mine as well

We stared at each other for bought a awkward second I broke the gaze and rubbed my eyes I was confused for a sec there but shrugged it off I was still waiting for my answer. "Hey Rosie check this out there's a awesome costume here for you, you could suit a vampire" I looked at Johnny and stared at the costume that he pulled put in front of me. "Are you serious, Well I guess" I said kinda judging the style but I didn't mind

"You should try it on" Johnny said as he turned away he always respects my privacy but the man didn't really get the whole situation I looked at him and grinned a little I did a circle sign for him to turn around he understood immediately he turned away with a blush on his face I chuckled as I got changed into the costume

"Ahh that's better, it fits me perfectly, Johnny your right I guess I do suite it, all I'm missing is-" then Johnny came out and handed me fake vampire fangs "some vampire fangs here you go" I grabbed them and looked at them confused.

"Johnny where did you get these- you know what I don't wanna know"I put the fake vampire fangs on and looked at the two boys in front of me I smiled as I looked at them I already have pale skin so I fit right in as a vampire. "I'm Count Rosetta, bleh bleh bleh!" I said mimicking the great Count Dracula's voice me and Johnny both chuckled at the end then the man had a grumpy look he quickly changed Johnny into a some sort of Frankenstein I giggled at the mans effort to make Johnny into a Frankenstein I was confused from it but shrugged it off

"Hey Rosie look at me, I'm a Franken homie" he said coolly as he looked at me I was wearing a beautiful lovely black dress that looked like something back in the hundred century I Already had some black makeup on but the lips were reddish pink I looked at the man he looked a little proud at what he did

He then looked at me he was speechless it almost looked like he was blushing at the sight of me wearing a dress I was confused and out of the blue I started to make a faint blush.

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