Chapter 1 ✨

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Ivory's POV

Well today I recently found out that I was basically leaving the only house that I've only ever known of  this was my childhood home and I had alot of memories here .

but things happen and now I have to say goodbye to everything .

tomorrow me and my mom decided since this was one of our real last days together we were going to hang out

I guess it will be fun but I'm getting off topic let me go back to what I was talking about well ...

I recently found out I was moving away because my mom was joining the military and she was going to have to go overseas which left me with going to my aunts house .

me and my mom really didn't have any other family well we did but we didn't really talk to them due to the fact that they're fake and mainly only come around when they want something .

they use to tell my mom she would never be anything that she would never make it in life .

now it wasn't my grandparents saying that it was my mother's suppose to be "uncles" and "aunts" .

the only person that was ever there for my mom was her big sister .

when my mom was with my dad the relationship was going good .

until a little after they had me he started hitting on her and I would witness and see it with my own eyes when I was only 5 years old .

when my mom got pregnant again with my baby brother my dad didn't want another kid because I was already "too much" .

and he beat my mother to death causing her to lose my brother .

when my mom was seeking for help from our family to get her out of the situation most of them laughed and called her dumb for staying with him .

no one was really there but my aunt one day my mom packed me 2 weeks worth clothes and put them in my book bag like she was taking me to school .

but she didn't pack herself any clothes because she would suspect something my mom could fit my aunts clothes so she really didn't need to bring any clothes .

when we got to my aunts house we weren't even there for a good 2 days when my dad came banging on the door cussing and fussing at my mom telling her to come home .

and my mom being in a vulnerable state she let me stay with my aunt for those two weeks and she left .

when she came back her hair was messed up and she had a black eye when I saw her I was crying and scared to go with her .

but eventually I finally got in the car with her and everything went back to how it was him beating on her than telling her sorry and that "he didn't mean it" .

He knew what he was doing but one day all our problems went away when he up and left .

me and my mom decided to relocate to Colombia , South Carolina .

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