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I had to check that date like, three times. When you're immortal and trapped in a limbo realm outside of a place where dates exist and time is a construct, you kind of lose track. Like it's a permanent school holiday, but with no black cloud of education hanging over it once it's over. For us it's the end of humanity, everyone dying and all hell breaking lose. Literally.
I like falafel, you know. That's one the key elements of my personality. I'm also not very trusting, or huggy. I would never spill my heart out to a bunch of people who I've never met on the internet, where anyone could read my diary; that would be stupid. Just so you know, I trust you.
I'm kind of scared about starting a diary - there's so much stuff in here that someone might find out. (Talking about you, MalloryKeen19 and tellittothegarrote ). Like, I'm considering getting a pet. I've checked the hotel guidelines, and it's definitely allowed. I mean, it'll die and leave me crying like all mortal things but I'm allowed to. Whenever I go to a pound, I get all tears. All those dogs, unloved, in cages. They're all probably going to die, killed for existing by the humans that bred them into existence unless a human takes pity on them and takes them in. And even then they face abuse and neglect....
They're even allergic to falafel.
That's Alex, yelling at me (geez, you're reading over my shoulder, you don't have to yell) that feeding a dog falafel is a form of abuse anyway because it'll make it sick and that I should get a cat because they're less maintenance and in that buzzfeed quiz she got a cat. I got a dog, because apparently I'm loyal and loving but has a bite at the end of the day. She says that I obviously have a thing for cats anyway, because I'm dating her.
Maybe I should get a cat...I don't know.
This morning Alex took me to pottery to the death class. I actually managed to make a pot with almost no assistance from Alex (edit, she helped me a lot), then it got smashed on my forehead and I died.
I went into Brooklyn to see Blitz and Hearth, and that was really good - and there's a surprise! Hearth's moved in with Blitz and is making really good progress with his depression; he's on meds now. He went in a downwards spiral after his dad turned into a murder monster and tried to kill all of us, but it's getting better and he'd helping Blitz with his shop a lot. Annabeth was there, with her new job as a storegirl. She was complaining about how everything she does is related to her normal life and she's never done the thing where she knows someone who knows someone who's hiring. Blitz technically wasn't hiring, but hey! Anything for a Chase!
She was kind of stressed from everything at camp, something about a god on earth causing trouble (been there done that got the t-shirt).
Oh, I just got an alert on my Wattpad. A dare. Right, goddam. Time to call Annabeth.
But seriously, should I get a dog?
Or a cat.
Or a goldfish.


 Diary of a Falafel LordWhere stories live. Discover now