Chapter 4

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The group of teens pulled up to Eichen House in Adrian's black Toyota. They all hopped out of the car and looked to what stood in front of them. Eichen House, a building that was meant to help the mentally unstable, but also a place they use to capture and detain the supernatural. No one really knows all that goes on in Eichen House and the only one of the teens that knew Eichen House like the back of their hand was Kyle, because of his time spent here.

"Everyone knows the plan?" Lukas said with a lift of his brow as he looked to all of them.

Alex rolled her eyes, "Yes, we've gone over it a billion times. We're only breaking into a looney bin, no need to worry."

"Yeah, except for everything could go wrong," Kyle said as he gave her a flat stare. Lukas glared at the two before leading the group inside. Anna and Adrian parted ways with them after getting past the gates. Lukas, Kyle, and Alex made their way down the hall towards the stairwell that would lead them to the lower levels while Anna and Adrian slipped into the security office.

"Shit," was all Anna could mumbled as she saw the security guard stand from his chair before he was on the ground unconscious. She stared in shock as she looked to Adrian, who stood over the unconscious body.

"Well, don't just stand there," Adrian said with a slight sneer, but not as aggressive as he normally would be.

"I don't take orders from you," Anna snapped before grabbing out her phone and calling Lukas as she took a seat at the desk of monitors.

"Anna, what do you see?" Lukas whispered as he looked around the corner to find a guard coming their way. He quickly snapped back behind the corner and pulled Alex and Kyle with him.

Anna looked up to the monitors, her phone beside her as she worked at the keyboard, "Alright, there's a stairwell at the end of that hallway, but you need the key card from that guard."

"I'll get it," Alex said as she pushed off the wall.

"Alex, no," Lukas whispered yelled to her, but she had no intention of listening to him as she quickly slid to the floor, trapping the guard's ankles between her legs causing him to crumple to the floor. Before he could reach for his gun she had his arm twisted behind his back and she slammed his head into the floor with her other hand. Alex swiped his key card from his pocket and quickly got up. She shot a smug look to Lukas before walking down the hall.

"We got it," Lukas said with a huff before him and Kyle followed after Alex.

"I saw," Anna said with a grin as she looked to the monitors. Adrian grinned as well as he leaned against the desk. Anna raised a brow as she looked to him then remarked, "Shouldn't you be keeping look out."

Adrian snapped his attention to her and raised a brow as well, "If I stood out there, wouldn't that draw attention?"

Anna's cheeks flushed and she rolled her eyes, "I don't know, just find something to do, you're breathing down my neck." Adrian scoffed, but acknowledge her request and found somewhere else to stand in the office.

"Anna?" Lukas said into the phone as he hurried down the steps, Alex and Kyle following close behind.

"I'm here," Anna said as she watched them on the monitors.

"Okay, we're at the bottom, what now?" Lukas asked as he looked around the condensed room that held the staircase. There were three doors at the bottom, one to the right, one to the left, and one in front of them.

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