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Here's that longer chapter, as promised. It's still short (1500 words... *sigh*), but you'll finally get more of a hint as to what's really going to be going down in this book from now on. :)


"What the heel?!" Sophie exclaimed. She ignored the looks they gave her after she said that. "You're saying that the Neverseen targeted Nightfall again because you heard them talking about a weapon that was still in their destroyed base?!"

"Yes." Biana sighed, burrowing deeper into the covers of her bed at Everglen.

"What else did you hear?" Fitz asked.

"I'm not sure. Just look in my memory." Biana told Fitz. He complied, and Sophie heard Elwin digging through the medicine cabinet. Dex was on the bed, and Tam was on a chair, blankly staring straight at Biana.

"What do you think it is?" Tam said to Keefe, noticing that he had been silent most of the time.

Keefe thought while Sophie impatiently tapped her foot on the floor, resisting the urge to pace back and forth.

Linh was discussing the best ways to treat some of Biana's burns with Elwin.

"I don't know, but I do know that the Neverseen don't exaggerate. If they think something is powerful, it's probably twice as powerful as what you'd expect." Keefe said. Sophie was trying to comprehend what he had said, but all she could think about was, Another dead end, another dead end, another dead end... another person hurt.

She gave in to the urge and began to pace back and forth.

"Woah," Fitz leaned back, and all heads turned his way towards him and Biana. "They gave almost no information. It was really vague."

"Was there anything else they said?" Dex's tone was careful, as if he was scared that the Neverseen would climb through the window at any moment.

Fitz and Biana exchanged worried looks. "They said it could bring down the Council and the Black Swan for good."


"How is she?" Mr. Forkle was outside of Biana's room, having received word of what had happened.

"She's doing well." Sophie responded.

"And the weapon?"

"We don't know anything about it, besides that it seems to be extremely powerful."

"A weapon... interesting," Mr. Forkle noted. Sophie rolled her eyes at the vagueness of his statement. "Anything can be a weapon. There are numerous types. A literal weapon, like those guns humans use. Or a disease, similar to the drakostomes and the damage it did to the gnomes." Sophie blinked. He was right. It didn't have to be something that could harm them immediately, like a fire. It could be anything. Anything could be turned into a weapon...

"Yeah." She agreed.

"Is Ms. Vacker awake?" Mr. Forkle asked.

Sophie shook her head. "She didn't get much time to sleep earlier, so she's resting now."

He nodded solemnly. "I'll go talk to discuss with the Collective. This is important-"

Sophie cut him off. "But don't you have any clue as to what it might be? About-"

"You kids, always getting ahead of yourselves." He muttered. "We'll have to see." She repressed a sigh. "Have you seen the memory?"

"You can ask Fitz for the memory. He watched it, but I didn't get to." Sophie answered, not sure if she wanted to see what the Neverseen's horrors looked like once again in action.

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