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    "Shoot, shoot, shoot, I'm going to be late!" Iko screeched, smoothing down her electric blue hair. Picking up the ends of her gown, she slammed open the door to the room Cinder had so generously gifted her.

    And now she was going to be late for Cinder's wedding.

    What a great and loyal friend she was.

    "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot - OOF!" Iko yelped loudly as she slammed into something, toppling backwards. Before she could hit the floor, a hand shot out and grabbed onto her arm, another snaking behind her back, preventing her fall.

    Slowly, Iko cracked open her eyes to be met with a pair of chocolate brown ones staring right back at her. The man's face was extremely close to hers, and Iko couldn't help but subtly check him out. There was nothing wrong with appreciating a good looking man.

    "Are you hurt?"

    Iko was startled back to the present by the sound of his voice - a deep baritone that rippled throughout her entire body. The blush on her face grew immensely. "U-um, no. I'm perfectly fine."

    She quickly stood up, detangling herself from the handsome man's arms. A look of amusement played on the stranger's face. Iko quickly straightened her hair, clearing her throat and straightening her spine.

    "I-uh, I'll have to get going now. Thanks for... helping me." Iko tried to slip around him, but he grabbed her wrist before she could run too far. She squealed as he twisted her back around to face him. The red blush on her face greatly contrasted the bright blue of her hair.

    He raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "I don't believe I caught your name."

    "My n-name?" Iko stuttered. Gosh dang it, Iko! Why do you keep stuttering? He nodded. "Oh. I'm Iko."

    "Iko," he said slowly, testing the name. Iko decided that she liked the way her name rolled off of his tongue. She liked it a lot. He flashed her a dazzling smile that had her swooning, bringing her knuckles to his lips in a flirtatious kiss. He winked at her as Iko's face flamed once more.

    "My name is Liam Kinney. Pleasure to meet you."



"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe it! Cinder, you're getting married! Before me! What a surprise!" Scarlet gushed sarcastically. Winter and Cress pretended to wipe away fake tears behind her when Cinder gave a nice twirl, showing off her beautiful wedding dress.

Cinder rolled her eyes at her overly dramatic friends, admiring herself in the mirror. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, nervously biting her lip. "I don't know guys," she said hesitantly, tugging down her dress. "Will Kai approve? What if he doesn't like it? What if he thinks that it's-"

"That's enough," Scarlet cut her off, slapping a hand over Cinder's mouth. "If Kai doesn't like it, I will personally see that he gets murdered, because I had to wear this god-forsaken dress for YOUR wedding, and I will NOT let that go to waste." Taking her hand off Cinder's mouth, she added, "And besides," she turned and looked straight into Cinder's eyes, "you look gorgeous, so don't worry about stupid things like that."

"Yeah," Cress nodded, fidgeting with her now-short hair. "I mean, just look at you." She gestured towards the wedding dress, which was all creamy white with rich fabrics all over. It revealed Cinder's shoulders and was low cut. The sleeves that circled her upper arm were lace and the waist was tightly cinched. The gown itself fanned out elegantly behind her.

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