You're not scared?

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"really" he responded quietly as I explained everything that had happened the last few months teary eyed.

"I didn't know how I was going to be able to survive all it without you here" I said in a shaky voice looking at Hoseok like it was going to be the last time.

"but you did survive" he said looking up at me with a small smile.

"it shows how strong you've become" he said punching my leg playfully with smile on his face. I let out a small laugh as we sat in my bedroom beside each other, something I couldn't even imagined just a month ago.

"you want to try again?" he asked.

"try to actually have a baby?" I continued the question. he nodded waiting for my answer.

"yes, I really want to. I would need a lot of medical help to survive it, but I'm willing to do anything to have a baby" I said feeling happiness rise inside of me just by the thought.

"you're not scared?" he asked looking at me worried.

"no, I'm not alone in this, and what happens happens" I said confidently. I had a feeling that this was the right thing to do and something I really wanted to do.

"I've survived so much already that I think I'll be fine" I joked to lighten the mood in the room a little.

"I dont doubt it" Hoseok respond with a smile.

it really felt good to have Hoseok back. I felt like a part of me was back to normal again with him here. there was something so calming and reassuring with him here, he really was my best friend. he was a free man now, even if we all knew he was guilty but it no longer meant anything to me. if they hadn't kidnapped me that day, I couldn't even imagined how my life would have turned out. it would never had been so eventful as it had now turned out. maybe I wouldn't have experienced so much pain and loss, but I would also have lost the chance to meet the love of my life and the most important people in my life.

"can I ask you something" I said turning to Hoseok again.

"of course" he said leading back a little resting his arms agains the bed.

"did you ever regret turning yourself in that day?" I questioned. I had hundreds of other questions than that for him but this was a good start.

"no" he answered looking at me wanting me to believe him.

"I wanted to make it up to you, and I wanted you to really see that I would do anything for you" he said but stopping himself to let out a small breath.

"even if that meant leaving you for a little while" he continued looking down at the bed.

"I never regretted it because I knew when I would see you again you would be happy to see me, and you wouldn't look at me with the look you had on your face when you got mad at me that night" he said looking up at me with watery eyes.

"I wish you could have gotten my forgiveness without having to leave or be put in a hell like that prison" I said in a shaky voice. it was hard to get the right words out, even if I had planned this conversion ever since Hoseok was taken away months and months ago.

"It wasn't so bad. I got a lot of time to think and get away from you bossy boyfriend" Hoseok joked.

"you could just have gone on a vacation to do that" I laughed hitting him lightly on the leg. we both let out a laugh.

there were so many more things I wanted to tell him about, like how the wedding was so beautiful but turned so bad. I had only gotten to tell small part of it. mostly because Hoseok wanted to hear about the baby since it was mentioned in court. I wanted to ask him about so many things, but right now I just needed to get used to the fact that Hoseok was actually back and free again.

"what are you thinking about?" Hoseok asked breaking the silence in the room. I looked down at him as he laid on the bed.

"so much" I responded with a smile at the sight of him back here again. he smiled back at me knowing I probably had so much to ask and tell.

he gestured me to lay down with him and I did. I laid down with my head on his arm and by body turned to his.

I looked at him as he laid on his back looking up at he ceiling. he was happy again. just like I remembered him being most of the time when we hung out together.

the door swung open making both of us jump up from being startled. in came jungkook.

"you've been home for an hour and you're already in bed with my fiancé" Jungkook joked. he hasn't taken the wedding completely out of his mind since I'm apparently his fiancé still.

"i promise I would never" Hoseok joked back standing up from the bed awkwardly.

"you've been gone for a long time Hoseok, you have a lot of work to do" he ordered him.

"of course" Hoseok responded.

"go down to the office for me will you" Jungkook said and Hoseok nodded and was quickly on his way out of the room.

"sorry to ruin your time with him, it's just we have a lot to do" Jungkook apologized.

"it's fine" I said quietly.

"Tae is downstairs, you can hang out with him if you want to" Jungkook suggested kindly. I smiled at him, he was coming up with ideas for me that. he was worried for me and really did care.

"it's ok, I have a lot to process, I could need some time alone" I responded truthfully.

"ok, if you need anything I'll be in the office, don't be scared to come in ok?" he said with a kind smile and I nodded.

he had really showed new sides to himself lately.


I know, you've probably forgotten about me😅 it's been the hardest week of my life ok. I've started high school, and I'm suffering. but here is a new chapter. (remember to vote!)

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