it's all ok now

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We were anxiously waiting for the answers for what the jury had decided was going to be the rest of Hoseoks life. he could be sentenced to twenty years in prison, or maybe life or maybe even more than that. having your faith in someone else's hands is horrible and sickening. all the guys had come to court today. even if they didn't want to admit it, they loved hoseok and wanted to see him be freed, hopefully they would be able to see that today.

my hands were shaking and my body was filled with nerves making me feel sick to my stomach. a pair of large hands landed on mine. I looked up meeting Jungkooks dark brown eyes.

"it's going to be ok" he said in a low voice looking at me with a warm smile. he had been much more warm and careful with his words ever since I lost the baby. he was always caring but he didn't show that side in the same way front of the guys but it seemed like he didn't care anymore about what they thought.

I looked at jungkook and gave him a weak nod before look away and down at the floor again attacking my brain with fear and quickly forgetting about what Jungkook had said.

the jury entered the room and so did the judge. we all stood up as my heart was beating out of my chest. this was the moment where we would get to know if what we had fought had changed anything. this could only go two ways and I hoped it would go our way for a change.

we sat back down on the bench, Jungkook took my hand in his as I sat down. the jury stood on their feet and one of them were holding a sheet of paper. on that paper stood Hoseoks faith. something so important was written on that thin sheet of paper.

"could the jury stand forth with their verdict" the judge said and a young man stepped forth with the sheet of paper in his hands. I held my breath waiting for the verdict whiles my heart was pounding of out my chest. jungkook squeezed my hand.

"we, the jury find the accused, Jeon Hoseok" he started as the whole room held is breath and so did I. my hearing was weak as my heart pounded in my chest like a loud drum. hoseok held his head in his hands probably more nervous than anyone is this room. it was his life on the line and it was written on that paper.

"not guilty of kidnap"

I snapped my head up as I my eyes immediately went to Hoseok who looked back at me with a smile and tearful eyes. we won. I let out a loud sigh as started to breath normally again.

all the guys jumped up in happiness. the judge said something in the middle of the cheering and people shocked by the verdict. people who had worked with my father and hated everything about he people sitting in the same room as them, who had now, once again won over them. I stood up on my feet with my eyes still glued to Hoseok who was now also standing. I stepped forward closer to him. he was free. he wasn't going to be away from me again. I could talk to him again. I quickly ran up to where he had been sitting, that had previously felt like so far away, that had now become the closest I had been to him. he walked around the table and his grey suit came into view as I got closer to him. I jumped into his arms with my legs around his waist and my hands tightly around the back off his neck.

"I'm free" he said calmly as I hugged him as tightly as I could and cried into his expensive suit.

"im so sorry" I whispered to him. I had so much more I wanted to say to him but right now everything was put into those three words, because those were the words I had longed to tell him for the longest time. I was truly sorry for everything he had gone through.

i let go of him as he placed me back down on my feet. he looked down at me with the same kindness he had always given to me, that I thought I would never see again.

"it's all ok now" he said stroking my hair.

Hoseoks lawyer came up to him with a wide smile on his face shaking his hand and did the same to me.

"we should get out of here" Hoseok said taking his hand in mine and walking away from the desk he had been sitting by for so long. the rest of the guys stood ready with wide smiles all over their faces.

I moved my glance to my side where the man in the grey suit that had tried so hard to put Hoseok behind bars stood.

"congratulations" he said coldly as both me and Hoseok stopped in our tracks by his voice.

"you got away with it" he said with anger in his eyes.

"im a free man" Hoseok said mockingly.

"im not done with you, your gang or your lying girlfriend" he said harshly looking at Hoseok with hatred in his eyes.

Hoseok chuckled before walking away and towards the other guys who stood waiting to meet their friend who was now finally free.

I didn't care about his words. all I cared about was that my best friend was free, and I had a lot to tell him about, and also a lot to thank him for.


sorry for a late update. I haven't been in the best mindset and I've not been inspired to write, but I managed to get this done so I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for 1K reads btw 💕

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