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      I sighed as I walked into detention. Man I hate that damn teacher giving me a hour in this bitch. Like why? I was telling her what I said.

Chris- bitch (I mumbled as I walked in)

   I sucked my teeth as I saw her. She rolled her eyes and clicked away on her phone. She sat on the other side of the classroom so I sat on the opposite side. Kae put down her phone down and starred at me. Then the door open and my brows furrowed as I seen my baby come in.

Joy- sorry I'm late I will be watching y'all since the teacher felt a little ill

Chris- hey sexy (I bit my lip smiling)

Joy- hey babe (she waved shyly)

Chris- (chuckling) you so cute

Joy- (giggling while blushing) stop it

Kae- I thought this was detention not a room to flirt in (she said with attitude)

Joy- (breathing in) you are so right and since this is detention there will be no talking as the rule so another day for you Ms. Tran

Kae- bitch (she screamed)

     I was about to say something to defend my baby, but joy held her hand up at me. I slouched in my seat and watched her handle the situation.

Joy- another day for you ms. Tran and if I were you I would keep that mouth shut if you don't want any more days added to your punishment

     Kae rolled her eyes and laid her head on the desk. I chuckled and shook my head as I laid my head on my desk. Joy sat on the desk next to mine. I winked and made a kissy noise at her. She smiled and shook her head. I heard kae scoff causing me to laugh. Someone feeling a little salty, should of asked her to rub her saltiness on my lunch.  After detention was over, I wrapped my arm around joy neck and pulled her close.

Chris- you did good baby handling it the mature way

Joy- I wasn't going to let her disrespect me and not do anything but I knew if I didn't do anything you would of stepped in and that would of been a problem

Chris- yeah it would

Joy- (she interlocked our hands) I do care for you Chris

Chris- (pecking her cheek) I care for you too babe

     We got to her car that was parked next to mine. I gently pushed her against the car and towered over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I placed my hands on her waist.

Chris- I can't describe how I feel about you, this feeling is new to me and I'm scared of it like I can't control myself when I'm around you and can't get you off my mind (I spoke softly)

Joy- me too but I think I know what the feeling is (she rubbed the back of my neck relaxing me)

Chris- what the feeling is

Joy- I think it's falling in love with each other

No Exit (chris brown)Where stories live. Discover now