Chapter 3

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* Trigger warning * 

The sea was, and has always been, a threat to Dan. at a young and fragile age it took his parents that he loved dearly away from him and he never understood why. of course he knew why, the fact that his parents had never had the time to learn the basic skills of swimming or life saving was a big part of it , but at the same time he didn't know why.

why were they taken from him?, Dan didn't particularly believe in a god of any kind but the thought couldn't help but flash through his mind that a certain god might be angry at him? had he done something wrong in his Meir 6 years of life that was bad enough for him to be punished by the death of the two most important people in his vulnerable life?

he would never know if it was his fate to end up like this, just another sad and grumpy teenager that was labelled with anything the doctor would throw at them, an attention seeking loner that was popping more pills than the chemist could prescribe, or that it was a series of unfortunate events that led to him being this way.

You see, ever since the 30th January, on a cold and dark night, everything had changed. Dan's parents were celebrating the new year, 30 days late as always, they were busy people - with Dan's father working as a well paid lawyer, something he had hoped Dan would become when he was older, something that was now impossible with his school grades that constantly fell while he skipped school due to his broken body, and his mother working as his sectary. some couples would find it difficult to be with each other 24:7 but his parents love for each other was very strong, and every night, they came home from work with the same smile that they wore when they ventured off in the cab together to go to London in the morning.

But nevertheless, not even jobs came before Dan, he was loved dearly by both parents and on the rare weekends that they were all free, Dan could remember them going down the the park to feed ducks and run around for the hole day, forgetting about the last 5 days that he had spent waiting ,bored, for the next weekend to come just so that he could have a proper family for two days like the people at his school always talked about.

But going back to that fateful night, Dan was with his 'nanny' that looked after him when his parents were busy, so all the time basically, her name was ivy and she was his best friend, that was before he shut every one out obviously, but she was the one who was there for him for whatever he needed. she gave him jam on toast when he got home from a lonely day at school because even before he was badly bullied no one wanted to talk to the curly haired boy, perhaps that was the root of his messed up and tainted mind.

He had just said goodbye to his parents that night at around 8:00 pm, his dad promising to bring Dan back a picture of the private boat they were partying on, knowing he wouldn't see them until the next day as his parents were still in their 20's and often spent the night out partying and had only a few hours to sleep before they had to wake up for their jobs, and ivy had made him dinner, his favorite, Delia smith brownies- what could he say? ivy didn't really understand the concept of '5 a day' or 'food pyramid', needless to say Dan was a chubby child .After eating his extremely healthy meal, that in no way could cause diabetes, Dan was sent to bed after a bit of disagreeing, some by him. some by ivy who didn't want to watch 'coronation street' alone, and climbed into bed sleeping softly, not knowing how much his life was set to change in the next few hours.

He had woke up to a sobbing ivy shaking his muscles shoulders in blind panic, yelling about how he had to wake up and they needed to get to the hospital. hearing the words 'your parents' in  her frantic mumbling Dan had shot awake and grabbed her hand leading her out the door and to the car, that she in reflection was in no condition to drive, even though they had a driver to taxi them pretty much anywhere at that point in time neither of the two even thought about calling the driver, in a rush to get to the hospital. of course ivy knew how to drive and had a license but barely ever drove them anywhere, yet that was the drivers job and not in her 'nanny' job description.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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