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"oi, (y/n), mikasa!" i hear a faint sound called us.

mikasa turns around and then looks at me, "ah. i'm so sleepy. i'll go to bed now."

"eh? mikasa!"

i was going to run after her, but a hand pulls mine. i turn around and i see a pair of familiar green eyes.


eren smiles, "i believe that you owe me an explanation."

"hi to you too." i smile back.

"so ... do you wanna take a walk? the sky looks nice tonight ... uh, it's okay if you—"

"sure, let's go." i cut his words.

there was a little pause, but then he takes my hand and we walk to the nearest cliff.

the view of the sky that i didn't notice before amazes me, then i sense his grip getting stronger. i look at our hands, then he does the same.

"oh, sorr—" he's going to broke our tangled hand, but i don't let go.

and i know that he is shocked, but he smiles anyway.

"airplane. it's a metal bird. big metal bird but it's rigid. the size is as big as a quarter of wall sina." i say to him.

his face is full of confusion, "it can fly?"

"yes. with the help of machine. if 3d maneuver gear's fuel is gas, airplane's is oil." i exclaim.

i explain more and more about airplanes. the types of it, the structure, everything that i know. when i talk about something that i like, i won't stop talking. eren listens to me seriously, his face tells me that.

when i finished, he nods and asks, "have you seen an airplane?"

"yes. in a book. it's a shame that i left it five years ago." i reply.

"saving yourself is more important, (y/n)." eren says.

i look at him, "i know. but five years ago, nobody would even care a bit about my safety."

one of his hand caresses my cheek, "don't worry. now you have many friends that care about you. mikasa, ymir, sasha ... me,"

soon as i hear that, i looked at his eyes. i realize that his face was close to mine, closer than before.

i don't remember when did it start, but all i know is the taste of his soft lips on mine. we savored every single second of our short kiss.

as we pull away, we look at each other's eye. and from that kiss, i know that mikasa was right.

"you like me." i say, more like question.

he was quiet for a second, then he replies, "i don't know. it's beyond like. this is new to me."

i don't reply him. i don't know what to say.

"may i hug you?" eren asks.

i just nod as he pulls me into his arms. he caresses my hair and rests his chin on my shoulder.

the quiet atmosphere makes everything so perfect. then, he whispers something to me. his voice is so audible, "i think i'm in love with you."

airplanes | erenWhere stories live. Discover now