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» The Forbidden Place «

We heard a rumor about a mansion...

on the outskirts of town...

they say there is a monster who lives there... 

     Indonesia came home carrying baskets of fresh yellow mangoes and fresh durian from the market. Both of her siblings noticed her aura. "Let me guess...---" Malaysia was about to say something but stopped when Indonesia interrupted. "-Let's go for adventure!!" she screamed. "Adventure po?" The Philippines repeated. "What?" Malaysia's face turned curious. "You see! I heard a secret!!" Indonesia said. "Rumor..." Malaysia corrected. "Yeah! Secret!" Indonesia started to laugh. "Secret? What is it ate?" The Philippines asked. "I heard that there's a big abandoned house inside the thick forest," Indonesia said while eating some mangoes. "A-and...?" Malaysia suddenly put down his durian and looked straight into Indonesias eyes. "-And! I heard... -".

"---There's something in there.."

     "What is it? a treasure?" Philippines asked. "Maybe? Hey!! How about let's check it out to see ourselves!!?" Indonesia asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

. . .

     Indonesia dragged the two here at the front of the big abandoned mansion. "OH. MY.GOD! I cannot believe this! the rumors are DO true!!" Indonesia said while roaming around checking every Bush, sides, windows, and everything.

While Malaysia seems not impressed at all. Philippines, on the other hand, seems happy seeing her big sister enjoying the place. "Uh... Kak I don't..-I don't think to barge inside will be a good idea..." Malaysia said while his hands were shaking. "Why not?" Indonesia asked. "I don't... " Malaysia was stopped when Philippines held his hand. "Don't worry! Everything will be alright!" she said with a smile on her face.

. . .

     "Whoa... It's a lot more prettier in the inside!" Indonesia said. "Weird..." Malaysia muttered. "Did you said something?" Indonesia asked. "No... Its nothing.." Malaysia murmured. "It is just me or is it really cold in here?" Philippines asked while looking around. "H-Hey... how about let's leave this place in safe and sound..." Malaysia advised. "What's wrong kak, you scared on something?" Indonesia teased. "Oh! Me? Scared? I don't think so!-"

     Suddenly a loud noise came from the right corridor. "What's that!!?" Indonesia screamed. "Should we... leave now?" Malaysia asked while struggling off from Indonesia whose hugging him along.

     "Strange...there's no way monster can exist in this place..." Philippines muttered.

     Philippines was about to check it out but Indonesia suddenly grabbed her hand. "H-Hey!? Where do you think your going, Philippines?" Indonesia asked with a scared-worried reaction. "I'll go...-".

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