Hot, cold and confusing - <MR> x Todoroki Shoto {BNHA/MHA}

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!!Part 1!!

<MR> is a new transfer and is also a long lost childhood friend from Todoroki's childhood. <MR>'s quirk is to be able to emit light from different parts of his body or turn his entire body into a beacon at will. He can control the amount of light he emits and if he concentrates hard, he can make a small laser.


"That's a lame quirk." He seemed sad despite his words. The male with red and white hair muttered under his breath. The small male was hugging himself while squatting, leaning against the rusty chain link fence.

"Then what's your quirk tough guy?" <MR> placed his hands on his hips as he asked the other kid with a joking tone.

"Ice... And, fire." He muttered under his breath.

"Two quirks? Hey! That's really cool!" <MR> exclaimed with glee as he squat in front of the red and white haired male. "I'm <Last Name><First Name>! Nice to meet you... Urmm... What's your name again?"

"Todoroki Shoto..." He said quietly, hiding his face.

"Cool! Let's be friends, okay?" <MR> grinned, holding his hand out for Shoto to shake.

He seemed to stare at <MR> in shock and slowly grabbed <MD>'s hand, shaking it slowly. "What's wrong? You hesitated shaking my hand, Shoto." <MR> pouted at the other male. Shoto shook his head and dismissed <MR>'s thought.

'I'll ask him another time...' <MR> thought to himself.

The two were close. And would meet at that spot; near the forest at an old playground with rusted chain-link fences almost weekly on Fridays. The two found solace in each other. They both knew they were similar. Although <MR> was a lot more outgoing than Shouto, he still didn't have many friends. The male often called Shoto his best friend and often at times they both were one another's only friend.

<MR> was happy with Shoto. He liked spending time with the red and white haired boy. They both were young and full of energy, well, at least <MR> was. Shoto often followed after <MR> and did what he did. But they were happy with it.

Shoto finally felt like a normal kid with <MR> and the secret meetings with him gave the lonely kid a small chance at being happy. <MR> was his ray of sunshine. Quite literally. Shoto felt closer to <MR> than he did his real family and often wished to run away with <MR>...


"Hey, Shoto." Today had been an especially warm day. The boys were sitting under the shade of a large tree and were sharing twin ice lollies. Shoto turned to face <MR>, giving him a questioning look.

"Let's get married one day." <MR> muttered with the ice pop in his mouth. Shoto had no reason to hesitate, he obviously cared for <MR> and loved him even before he knew what love was.

"Mhm!" Shoto replied eagerly, a twinkle in his eyes...


Shoto woke up from his dream in cold sweat. He sat up on his bed, clutching his wet shirt as he stared outside at the dark curtain shrouding the city that was the night. He got out from under his blankets and headed towards the closet to get another shirt. The male quickly changed as he looked around his traditional style room at the dormitory. The male sighed as he walked up to his balcony, placing a hand on the cool glass before eventually going back to sleep. "I can't believe I still remember that..." The male let out a small grin with his cheeks turning pink as he reminisced about the memory. His smile slowing turned into a frown as tears started to stream down his cheeks. He quickly wiped away the tears and went back to sleep, he had a long day tomorrow.

Class was normal. It was always noisy but full of life. And besides the shouting from Bakugo, it was peaceful. Shoto had almost fallen back asleep just as Aizawa sensei had come in and 'taught' (more like slept in his sleeping bag while they self-studied) them for the first two periods of the day. Next came English, Present Mic was as loud as ever. Shoto didn't mind it, at least he spoke clearly.

"All right everyone! Today's hero class will be physically involved so please take your hero costumes and change into it quickly! All Might is waiting for us at Gym Gamma with Cementoss. Please head there in an orderly manner." Lida would instruct the class, bellowing loudly. The male proceeded to karate chop the air in front of him.

Shoto quickly changed into his costume and met up with his classmates.

"I overheard All Might and Aizawa-Sensei talking about having a new transfer!" Shoto looked for the source of the voice, his curiosity peaking. The male had wandered around the halls after coming out from the changing rooms and eventually finding Mina Ashido. The pink female was talking to Midoriya and Uraraka, with Lida listening intently behind the two.

Shoto slowly walked up to the group with a curious yet indifferent expression. "A transfer? From where?..." Shoto's curiosity was peaking. Who was this new transfer? Why did they suddenly transfer at the middle of the school term? Is this even true?

"That's the crazy part! Apparently, he's from Shiketsu!" The pink female basically shouted, jumping up and down.

"Shiketsu?..." Shoto muttered under his breath as memories of the provisional hero license exam flooded into his mind. The male wasn't pleased but at the same time curious. Shoto immediately turned the other way and headed straight for the gym.

As the class assembled at the gym, All Might and Cementoss was there to greet Class 1-A along with Aizawa-Sensei standing between the two other pro heroes. All Might was in his usual form, buff and strong with his signature smile plastered on his face. Cementoss looked regular like always and Aizawa-Sensei looked even more tired than usual. Finally, Aizawa-sensei spoke. "I assume you've heard the rumors that Ashido was talking about," The teacher gave her a quick glare before continuing with a sigh. "Well, what she heard was indeed true. You can come out now." Aizawa-Sensei moved aside as another student poked his head out from behind Cementoss.

Shoto took a deep breath, eight years worth of memories flooded back into his head and played themselves like a film. The male couldn't help but stare at <MR> in shock, disbelief, anger, joy. Shouto was frozen in place as he watched the now grown up and matured <MR> introduce himself. "Shoto-kun? Are you okay? You're looking a little pale, do you want some water?!" Midoriya offered, only to be given by the silent treatment. Shouto quickly snapped out of it and thanked Midoriya for his offer. He still couldn't believe that <MR> was actually standing in front of him, after all these years...

"Hi, hi! I'm <LastName><FirstName>! You can call me <Firstname>! Nice to meet ya!" He quickly bowed at the group before looking up to meet the classes eyes. That's when Shouto and <MR> had made eye contact, finally seeing and meeting each other after eight long years. <MR>'s eyes widened in surprise and happiness as his mouth quickly turned into larger grin.

"Shoto!!" The male barely had time to react as <MR> had tackled him to the ground, giving Shoto a long bear hug. Shoto felt a wave of emotions hit him and pushed <MR> off, sending <MR> to the ground. Shoto got up quickly, his face just screamed anger as he stared daggers at the other male who sat on the floor and looked at Shoto happily. <MR> just stared at Shoto with large puppy eyes, waiting for a response.

"Get away from me." The white and red male growled at <MR>, causing the whole class to freeze, wondering who exactly <MR> was to be able to make the ice prince Todoroki Shoto, even show a small hint of anger outside of the battlefield. Shoto clenched his fists together, wearing a gloomy expression as he soon stormed away from the group...

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