Dojo Doujin - <MR> x Garou

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He wasn't always a monster, he used to be my lover.


MR is the adopted child of Bang and has trained under him since young after Bang found him on the streets. Currently aged 18.


There he was again, always training and pushing himself. I wish he'd stop that...

<MR> had just finished his own training under the guidance of his adopted parent, Bang, and was just about to hit the showers when a certain devilishly handsome male with pointed silver hair had caught his attention. <MR>'s eyes stared down Garou from top to bottom, secretly taking relish in Garou's skin tight outfit. <MR> had already forgotten about his plans to shower as he watched Bang's number one pupil train in the large courtyard.

The setting sun hit the courtyard with orange beams of light. Even though it was just six in the evening, no other student was in sight. Just <MR> and number one. Although <MR> wouldn't admit it, he enjoyed watching Garou train. Something about Garou always training and improving his skills made <MR> want to do the same. It made <MR> feel motivated to do better and catch up to Garou as number one and maybe even someday, take over the dojo in Bang's place and earning himself the title of the greatest martial artist in the world.

But that was just a dream. Sure <MR> was just as good as the advanced students but he was nowhere near close to Garou's level, much less Bang. <MR>, lost in his own thoughts, let out a loud sigh which gave away his position to Garou. The silver haired male whipped his head around to face <MR>, his beady yellow eyes giving <MR> a mischievous and cunning look.

"Hey <EyeColour>-eyes!" Garou exclaimed, waving over at <MR> with a cheeky grin.

<MR> rolled his comment at the name calling and walked towards Garou with folded arms. "I have a name." <MR> snapped back only to receive a playful pat on the shoulder.

"It's more fun calling you <EyeColour>-eyes." Garou snickered, ruffling <MR>'s hair playfully.

<MR> rolled his eyes once more and began to fix his hair again. "Are you done with your training? What are you doing tonight? Let's meet!" Garou had asked <MR> with several other rapid fire questions before swinging his arm around <MR>'s shoulders. Garou had closed the space between them quickly, pressing his own body against <MR>'s <body size> frame.

<MR> quickly brushed the other male off and moved a few feet away. "We're in the middle of the court!" <MR> hissed at Garou who gave a nonchalant shrug. "What if," <MR> had quickly snapped his head to the left and right, making sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. "What if Bang find out?" <MR> had said with an even softer tone.

"So what?... And besides," Garou had moved closer to <MR> again. The silver haired male's hands snaked down, slowly interwining together with <MR>'s own. With another swift motion, Garou had pulled <MR> close. Close enough that <MR> could feel that heat radiating off of Garou's body, hear his heart thumping quickly and even feel the warm breath of the silver haired man.

"You didn't answer my questions," Garou growled deeply in <MR>'s ears, his hand moving out of <MR>'s hands and moving to <MR>'s back. Garou's hands slowly trailed down <MR>'s back, giving <MR> slight goosebumps. <MR> couldn't react properly. Although this wasn't the first time Garou had done something like this, everytime Garou touched him, <MR> would still be left speechless and flustered.

"I'll... I'll... Come." <MR> managed to mutter out. The thoughts racing through his head, they just couldn't make any proper sentences right now.

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