Who is Jaye?

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As you noticed, this is story is titled Living As Jaye. Who is Jaye? If you're a quick learner, I would assume it was me, the person who's typing this. And you would be right...to a degree. See, I have to let you know who I am before you understand who Jaye is. Believe me, once you know the full story, you will follow along.

Hi there, my name is Shannon. I'm a 23 year old originally from  Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I have a job, I am married, I get along (occasionally) with my family and I'm the oldest child of four. I also am a former opiate addict, recovering sex and love addict and survivor of human trafficking.

Whoa, imagine saying that in one breath huh? I want to begin my story from when everything began and set the stepping stones of everything you read in the previous admission. I will try to not drag this on and get to the important parts.

Almost every section has trigger warnings for your own mental health and protection. Writing is very therapeutic to me and hope you can find solace in my words.

Thank you in advance,
Shannon ♥️

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