High school

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Gavin storms into my room as I'm lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone.

"Adriana, I need your help," Gavin spits.

"What have you done now," I question as I get up to approach the short male.

"I fucked up again," Gavin says vaguely.

"Doesn't take a detective to figure that out," I tease patting his shoulder and wandering down the stairs to the kitchen, Gavin on my tail.

"Shut up, I made my girlfriend angry again, she wants to break up but I don't know what to do," Gavin explains as I pat my dog who is outside the kitchen.

"Break up with her first," I say simply, grabbing an apple and tossing it to Gavin so he can chew something.

"How," Gavin asks with his mouth full of apple.

"Ugh, want me to do it?" I sigh, giving in to his puppy dog eyes.

Gavin nods quickly, I signal for him to give me his phone which he does gladly.

I dial his girlfriends phone number.

"Ugh, you have emojis next to her name? Gross dude," I tease and he just glares at me.

I wave him off in dismissal as she picks up.


"Woah geez, chill, it's not Gavin, it's Adriana."

I get cut off by the girl.

"Oh. You. You're worse, but why are you calling me."

"Oh I just wanted you to know Gavin doesn't want to see you anymore, he's been seeing me for a couple of weeks now and the fight you had just tipped him over the edge so he gave me the honours of telling you," I explain this to his ex sweetly.

Gavin fidgets when I mention us dating and I know he's had a crush on me for ages but I friend zoned him in year seven.

"you BITCH!"

With that swift swear word she hangs up and blocks Gavin's number. I smile at Gavin and hand him back his phone.

"You're gonna need to do it yourself sooner or later," I say pulling myself to sit on the bench.

"I know I know, it's just I don't ever know how to do it," Gavin complains.

"Simple. Tell them you're done and hang up and block them," I explain, knowing how to do it all too well.

Gavin looks at me, his head cocked slightly, he looks confused but that's how he thinks.


Gavin follows me sheepishly through the school and to our home classroom, which is a single building with three different classrooms and a kitchen and living space like thing.

"Shit is she in our tutor class?" I ask Gavin quietly as he leans against a wall.

"No, she's here to see, what was me, but is now Josh, the jock," Gavin explains.

I see Gavin's ex girlfriend flirting with Josh, the school footy team leader. Footy = AFL - Aussie Football League.

"God," I mutter with a sigh and look over to other people socialising.

I zone out for a bit but come back when Gavin hits me in the stomach.

"Here she comes, careful," Gavin whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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