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A/N: Hey guys, I have decided to write another Wicked FanFiction on here. This is without help of an editor so excuse the bad grammar and spelling (definitley not my strong points). If you have read my other story this is almost the opposite, much happier and it actually has a alright ending (shh, I'm not giving the ending away). Anyway I hope you like it.

Copyright: I do not in anyway own Wicked or any of the original characters, I do how ever have the right to all the children. A part from the name Emaurie, which I give credit to the BreathOfMidnightAir on for.

Chapter 1

Emaurie Anna-Leigh Tiggular was born on the 4th of July. She was the first child of royal couple Elphaba and Fiyero Tiggular. The day she was born was a joyful day for everyone involved, including the kingdom. It was the birth of a new era and a new generation of Tiggular’s.

Galinda Upland, Elphaba’s best friend was there on the day Emaurie was born. Anastasia, Galinda’s one year old daughter was also present. Two days after Emaurie was born she was introduced to Anastasia. Anastasia took a liking to the baby right away and they had been inseparable ever since.

As a princess, growing up was an interesting experience for Emaurie. She was taken to balls, shown off to her parents friends, and taken all over Oz. The highlight of being a princess was dressing and putting make up on with her “aunt” Galinda. She demand Galindas help for every ball she went to, Galinda, being the loving Aunt she was always accepted.

Anastasia and Emaurie grew closer as they grew up. They shared every memory, every secret, every embarrassing moment together. To them they were sisters, which they thought could be true enough. They shared the same blonde hair, pale skin and eye shape. The only major difference was Emaurie’s chocolate brown eyes next to Anastasia’s ocean blue ones.

When Emaurie was 3 and Anastasia was 4, Elphaba and Fiyero welcomed their second daughter into the world. Alaya Rose Tiggular, jet black hair like her mother, bright blue eyes like her father, the same features as her older sister, beautiful full lips and large eyes. Emaurie and Anastasia practically adopted Alaya when she was born. They strolled her around the grounds, read her picture books before bed and wouldn’t leave till she fell asleep. To say the least the three of them were as thick as thieves.

Another three years after Alaya was born, the third child of Elphaba and Fiyero Tiggular was born. Another beautiful baby girl, Laylana Galinda Tiggular, she was the spitting image of her mother, jet black hair, deep brown eyes, and the emerald green skin that only her and her mother had. Emaurie being only 6 didn’t immediately take a liking to Laylana as she did with Alaya. She thought her green skin was contagious. That was until her mother pointed out she had the same green skin as Laylana, which in turn made Emaurie embarrassed and she refused to speak to anyone for 3 days.

After Laylana was born the family got into a steady routine. Emaurie and Anastasia were in the same class for school, together they did their homework, walked to school and back and helped the younger children with their work. As Alaya got older she became even closer with Emaurie and Anastasia. Laylana always tagged along too, even though she was the youngest. A solid 2 years after Laylana was born, Galinda announced her adoption papers had been granted and she was soon to adopt a young baby girl. Anastasia couldn’t be happier that she was getting her very own baby sister but Emaurie was jealous. She didn’t want Anastasia to have a baby sister; she wanted Ana all to herself.

So along came Corrine Jade Elphaba Upland, a dark brown haired, green eyed baby girl. She had sharp features and dark skin; even though she was the odd one out in the family she was definitely loved. Laylana was immediately attached to Corrine, never leaving her side. It was much like Emaurie and Anastasia all over again. The two older girls now 9 and 8 and they understood babies and life much more than they did a few years ago. They both helped Galinda out with the baby, taking turns changing her nappy, feeding her and soothing her back to sleep. Galinda was always saying how lucky Corrine was to have 4 older sisters.

As the family grew Elphaba and Fiyero had another child, not just one this time, two. So along can Kaylee Marie Tiggular and Kristopher Maui Tiggular. Kaylee had the exact same features as Emaurie did when she was a baby, they looked identical. Kristopher on the other hand shared his mother and sisters unique skin tone and hair colour but his eyes were bluer then the sky above. After the twins were born Elphaba became very sick so all 5 of the older children helped look after the twins while she was confided to her bed. By this time Anastasia was 13, Emaurie was 12, Alaya was 9, Laylana was 6, and Corrine was 4.

About a year after the twins were born Fiyero and Elphaba decided to send the older children to one of the most prestigious boarding schools in Oz, Emerald Prep. With Galindas consent they enrolled Anastasia, Emaurie, Alaya, and Laylana in the school, with Corrine starting the year after.

The children quickly found their places at the school. Emaurie was considered one of the prettiest girls in the school and was immediately taken in by the “prep” group. The only problem was, they didn’t approve of Anastasia because she was to smart. So at school Emaurie acted dumb, she didn’t talk like she usually would or act her normal self. She would only do so around her family and Anastasia. Anastasia found her place in the “nerd” group. She found their company insightful and educational, she wasn’t the smartest in the group but she was well on her way to becoming one of the smartest.

Emaurie’s real dramas began about 3 years after she started at Emerald Prep. She was in the 11th Grade and in Senior, a lot of responsibility landed on her shoulders with grades and the future of her kingdom back home. It’s also when she had to choose what the most important thing to her. Friends or family?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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